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I went to a really small high school and nobody ever got cut from the basketball team. If you made it through the 3 days of "tryouts" then you were on the team no matter how good you were. I played my freshman year and after the season my coach told me......"you know you are a really good football and baseball player. why don't you focus on those two sports during basketball season."

I know that's two lines but I'm basically the first person in my school's history to be "cut" from the basketball team. While I did turn out to be a pretty good football and baseball player he was right in the fact I should have been cut. I was horrible.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
My favorite of all time, it relates to everything.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"
Teddy Roosevelt 1900

That is certainly one of my favorites as well.

I also think what made Reagan so popular is that he had a populist mentality as well. With sayings such as "peace through strength" or "trust but verify", he hearkened back to the days of Teddy.
Last edited by Vector
Reggie Jackson-"I never wanted to be a great American hero or a legendary superstar. It just worked out that way."

Sparky Anderson-"I knew they loved home runs, so I always assembled a pitching staff that would accomodate them."

Larry Bowa-"The Phillies fans are the greatest. Hundreds of them send me birthday cards every year, wishing it's my last."

Craig Nettles- This occured on an airline trip with Luis Tiant."We got a problem. Luis wants to use the bathroom and it says no foreign objects in the toilet."

Steve Garvey-"The difference between the old ballplayer and the new ballplayer is the jersey. The old ballplayer cared about the name on the front. The new ballplayer cares about the name on the back."

Don Sutton-"It's not a foreign substance. It's made right here in the USA."

One of my personal favorites: Tommy Lasorda-"About the only problem with success is that it does not teach you how to deal with failure."
Originally posted by rmode:
One of my favorites: "It's a simple game. See ball, catch ball, throw. See ball, hit ball, run."

Simplicity is golden. Best advice was from my high school coach who knew I had a problem over thinking everything. He told me, "It's not that complicated. Just see the ball, and knock it. Knock the ball, and run."
1. "Relax, its just baseball."

This comes to the forefront of my mind every time I read about an athlete's injury or untimely death. We all want success on the field for our sons but sometimes - at our house - we have to remind ourselves that it is a game - one that we LOVE and are very privileged to be involved with - but still a game.

2. "Just think how stressful it would be if no one was calling."

Comment of travel coach when discussing the stresses son was expressing when going through the recruiting process (he did not particularly enjoy that type of attention.) Again, it is all about perspective.

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