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Hi all,

son was all set to attend his first PG showcase in August last summer but he sprained his ankle just before it so PG was nice enough to hold our credit for a future showcase. Son plans to attend a PG showcase this summer. Any info on the sunshine northeast showcase scheduled for June 2-3?  Would this be the best one to attend?  Son played half his freshman season on varsity. Expecting to win starting SS spot as a sophomore this season. 6' 160. 

This will be his first showcase. 


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I'm in NY as well - we had several of my 2016s teammates attend that showcase this year.  My 2016 attended the Northeast Showcase in MA in Aug of 2014 (I'm assuming that's probably the one your son missed this year since it's the other close one?).  

If I had to do it over I'd probably have him attend the June showcase.  He was pretty tired in August by that point in the season after playing a full HS season and then going right into the summer season (he's a RHP).  He played up with the 2015s on a showcase team that played almost every weekend and sometimes during the week and he was beat by the time Aug rolled around.  He did not have his best outing and his rating reflected that (was actually higher than we expected based on performance).  The players we know who went to the June showcase were healthy coming out of NY's sectionals and did well there (they would most likely have done well anywhere though).  

Since this showcase will most likely be to get his numbers out there and get a PG rating I think it would be better to do it right after our NY HS season ends (assuming your team doesn't go far into the sectional playoffs - that's one thing to consider though, would your team still be playing?) if he is healthy coming out of the season.  


Last edited by MKbaseballdad

Well, I think like most others attending showcases, he'd like to be seen. He wants to play in college but hasn't figured out what level he will fit in. His goal for his first showcase would be to get on the map. Have some college level recruiters see him, have PG rate him and see where he's at. It's not cut and dry with my son as to what level he will end up. He is not a year round baseball player. He is a really talented athlete who chooses to play as many sports as he can so in school he plays football basketball and baseball. Baseball has always come very naturally to him and seems like the most likely sport that he may have the opportunity to play at the next level. 

Long answer to a short question but I think a PG showcase following his sophomore varsity year will answer some questions for him as to where he stands and how hard he has to work to reach his baseball goals. 


My 2017 son did the PG Sunshine Northeast in June of this year (as he was finishing his sophomore year).  Obviously a well run event that was very well attended. He also saw at least 15-20 college coaches there watching the skills and games. 

If I remember the dates of the HS season correctly, you'd have to be in the States at that point. 

Looking back, one thing we would've done differently was to have our 2016 attend a showcase as soon as possible so as to be seen, evaluated, establish a stake in the ground, and receive a blueprint for improvement.

So if at all possible, you may want to look at the Feb event in Flemington, NJ. It's indoor, so its batting cage evals, the usual in and outs, and a time in the 40. More importantly, it's less widely attended than the June events, thus there's a greater chance of standing out.

After that, you can decide to attend the June event so as to improve on the metrics. A nice jump in those metrics will catch the eyes of the evaluators, and put him in the discussion around an invite to the Jr. Nationals.


Thanks for the replies. Nydad2017, that's great info. Also good info on how deep playoffs would be. Don't see that kind of run out of our high school this year so it seems like the sunshine northeast is the way to go  

Joemtkg, your suggestion makes total sense and if my boy was in baseball shape I round do that but following fall football and winter basketball, he would just simply not be ready to showcase in February.  

It seems like the sunshine northeast is the best bet for us.  Thank you all for the replies.  Maybe we'll see some of you there!



I can certainly vouch for the PG Sunshine Northeast showcase... for it was there quite a few years back that I was seen by Binghamton University and subsequently recruited. I went to a number of showcases during the Junior year circuit. Some went well, others not as much. The Sunshine NE was one that went very well. However unlike any other showcase, when I did well at the Sunshine NE, the colleges noticed. There were more in attendance and they seemed more focused.... and the rest as they say "is history."


Author of "Going with the Pitch: Adjusting to Baseball, School and Life as a Division I College Athlete" (Second Edition)




The NE Sunshine showcase was definitely during states this year (was the weekend after sectional finals) but the year before we made sectional finals and I believe they were the first weekend of June and several of 2016s teammates were scheduled to attend the Sunshine showcase and needed to re-schedule (if I'm remembering correctly).  

Edit - I looked it up.  The showcase was May 31st-June 1st in 2014 and sectional finals in NY were held the 31st.  

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