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Kind of quiet on here right now, in that post-summer lull I guess. Thought I would post this.

I recently saw a write up on my son calling him intriguing. I have seen that word used before in an assessment of a player and all I can discern from that is that the author looked at the kid and went "meh." Kind of like how a real estate agent will describe a house that is far too small as "cozy." But that whole thing led me to some funny thoughts (I'm weird that way).

So, suppose scouts wrote what they were really thinking about some of these players? I know there have been many scouts/coaches who have gone to events who left uninspired, but what if they put their thoughts down and reported them. I think I can imagine some of the write ups:

"Johnny is a 6'1" right handed hitting OF who really should get a refund on his hitting lesson money."

" 6'0" 150lbs, he is a force on the mound, sitting 90-91 and touching 93. Looking at his parents, it's clear he was adopted because neither look to have an athletic bone in their bodies...not sure about projectability"

"With full facial hair and a child safety seat in the back of his car, this 2022 prospect is mature beyond his years."

"Beautiful left handed swing because everyone else says so as well, I really don't know why I am writing this because I am a pitching coach."

"Hit a blast to CF that clearly had flubber on it."

Feel free to add you own...just some light humor.


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I read an article on this topic recently that included supposedly real write-ups that the writer obtained from pro scout sources.  One of them, referring to a dimunitive OF, said that "he could hang glide on a Dorito".  There were some other gems.  I enjoyed the article - but I don't recall where I saw it, or if it was recent or from some time ago.

Runs like a deer. Unfortunately hits like one. 

Hits right, left and seldom. 

Heres one from my college coach on a pregame show interview ...

Billy is our catcher. He’s a sophomore this year. He was a sophomore last year. If he doesn’t hit the books Billy will be a sophomore next year. (Billy was gone). 

Billy came in as a national highly recruited QB. He had an incredible arm. The football coaching staff wanted to hand him the job. He couldn’t learn the playbook. He was too stupid. He switched to baseball spring of soph year.

The QB who replaced him had a ten year plus NFL career. Billy ended up flunking out, hanging in bars drinking beers and watching his intended backup play in the NFL on Sundays. 

The term “dumber than a bag of rocks” was created for Billy. As I’m typing this Nuke Laloosh comes to mind. 

Last edited by RJM

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