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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired of seeing he logo on the top of the HSBB Web page showing the lizard pitcher getting his socks knocked off by a line drive. In the interest of fairness to pitchers, how about a logo with the lizard making a big dinosaur hitter screw himself in the ground missing by a mile on a curveball....or maybe a heater.

I urge all pitchers and parents of pitchers to PM
MN-Mom and ask her to consider it.
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That ain't no regular lizard! That happens to be a caricature of a left handed green tree skink. Most green skinks are outfielders because of their ability to catch flies. To my knowledge this is the first LH green skink I have seen. Quite a rarity. I was told by a reliable source that no skink has ever received a baseball scholarship. They are all invited “crawl-ons”. I say leave him on the board!

FastballDad, I am a pitcher's mom and I am quite prejudiced against hitters, and especially line drives up the middle. But that little green skink is so cute, and I inherited him from a very fine man ... I would just feel terrible to put him out to ... ummm, pasture, or wherever a skink would retire!


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