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My 2018 got some offer from some high D1 school but we decided not to take it as it's still early. When we called the coach and told our decision, he said he understands and want us to keep up the conversation and saying they are still very interested in us. And said if we got "pressure" from other schools, let him know, he can do something about it.. This seems to me, the coaches kind of want "bid" the offers from other schools. I'm curious is it common for the the schools to recruit the players?



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During my son's recruiting process, a couple of schools raised their offers as they became aware of more schools entering the mix.  He never told any of the RC's about other offers, but they knew.  A few of them also made the comment that if the offer was the final determinant in his decision, and it was within a few thousand $'s, to let them know so they could see if there was more could do.


It was never a "bidding" scenario, but if you think about it, so to some degree, any kid with more than one offer is in a bit of a bidding war of sorts.  In my son's case, the situation and offer he accepted were both excellent and not much could have been done to improve either, so he never did "seek" additional offers from any other schools.


I'm sure the school in your scenario is indicating something similar in that if you get another offer that you're considering, and the primary driver is the size of the offer, they'd like a chance to match it, beat it or pass if it's more than they're willing to go.

Last edited by Nuke83

I am curious as to whether 2018's offer came with any type of "deadline" or some expectation that 2018 would indeed make a decision within some period of time (maybe something along the lines of before the D1's fall schedule ramps up).  I was under the impression that an offer to a 2018 would most always be a standing offer with no real decision timeframe discussed (as opposed to a 2016 where a D1 might need an answer almost immediately to wrap things up).  


Congratulations on the offer - too bad you can't line up the coaches on your couch and make them out bid one another.  Hope everything goes smoothly over the next 12-24 months.

not to hijack the thread, but to LHPScrewball comment on deadlines- it's been our experience recently that deadlines seem to be the standard practice.  Of the three offers my son has, each school has said they don't put deadlines, but 2 out of the three have put some pretty heavy pressure on him.  The third was very recent and again told us "no deadline" so  no pressure as of yet, but I assume it's coming.  I think it comes with the territory- they have limited slots, especially for position players, so they want to get the commitment and move on.

pabaseballdad - apparently your son is a 2017 (please correct me if I am wrong).  Even for a 2017 I would think there would be only limited pressure unless these schools are maybe top 100 programs.  Can you provide any detail on son's position and the approximate level of the schools offering?  Or perhaps others can chime in.  I assume the better the school, the more pressure earlier with the lesser schools letting the big guys duke it out early.


Congratulations and it sounds like your son is in high demand.

Originally Posted by pabaseballdad:

not to hijack the thread, but to LHPScrewball comment on deadlines- it's been our experience recently that deadlines seem to be the standard practice.  Of the three offers my son has, each school has said they don't put deadlines, but 2 out of the three have put some pretty heavy pressure on him.  The third was very recent and again told us "no deadline" so  no pressure as of yet, but I assume it's coming.  I think it comes with the territory- they have limited slots, especially for position players, so they want to get the commitment and move on.

in my experience, no deadline  =  they haven't found a better or comparable recruit to your son yet.  when they do, you can expect that open-ended deadline offer to suddenly change.  We were given the weekend to think it over.



There is no deadline for the offer, and the coach kept on emphasizing that from different conversations, as he totally understands it's early for us. He said this offer is the starter, and it can change over time. As you can guess, the offer is not much, but we appreciate it as this is our 1st offer. 

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