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Grades can always be a factor - even among 4 year D-1s. There are kids at 4-year D-1s who get picked only because they throw hard too. A kid at Georgia Tech hit 101 on the gun a few years back, not successful in college, less successful in pro ball. Recently released.

Absolutely, there are kids who can pitch who don't throw 88+. There are also many kids out there who throw 85 mph and can "pitch" who get nothing but an invite. It is one reason why you need to have your kid seen by a lot of people because you never know who is going to like them.
RRF8 - Yes, it is very possible to not throw hard and be very successful (think maddux & Moyer. Most coaches take the easy way out via the radar gun becuase, if a kid gets lit up they can easily claim, "What do you want me to say - he's throwing 90" versus justifying a kid throwing 82- 85 who might get lit up.
Last night, for the first time since dealing with the coaches calling our house, I had a coach tell me he was not concerned with how hard a kid throws, he wants a kid who can pitch. The one advantage a kid like my son has is that, without the overpowering fastball some kids show, he has had to learn to hit the corners and often throws a curve or splitter on a 3-2 count in lieu of a fastball.
But let's face it, most D1 schools won't give you a look if you're under 85 or so.
BBFan58 - It has been our experience that the Big Ten especially hides behind the radar gun. It seemed that the recruiters would not go out on a limb and determine whether or not a kid could pitch. They just used velocity as a method of determing the quality of a prospect. In fact, one school even told my son that the amount of scholarship that they would offer him would be based on the velocity that he showed at their camp.

On another note, some of these kids that show high velocities and are ranked high by publications and schools, I have never seen throw a complete ball game. You would think that if they are D1 prospects, they could throw a complete game at the high school level, but they either lose command or the velocity comes down after three or four innings, they get hit and the coach takes thewm out.
Let me shed some light on the Robert Kennedy situation.

He attends Northside Prep the CPL . He did NOT attend the Stevenson Showcase . Public league kids dont get invites to that .

He did not play any travel ball until joining the Norwood Blues this past summer . This set him behind imo ..late start getting exposure . Not many colleges were aware of Rob until this year . Norwood doesnt travel extensively like some of the other high profile teams , therefore he hasnt had the opportunity to get a wider range of schools looking at him during game action up to this point .Its certainly not an issue of talent level ....rob definitely D1 caliber as evidenced by comments from bball dad and tnhn. Grades are definitely not an issue .

I believe something will pop for rob by end of the year and he will receive some D1 offers .
Last edited by sulltiger24
Lets all do ourselves a favor

Just go into Heartlands CC web page under athletics and check out the Baseball program. That info should answer all your questions about Heartland.

We know Rob K, having watched Rob K and Josh L play, they both will be a perfect fit at Heartland.

This year I have personally been at a few games watching Heartland in action on the field. This team plays hard and gets it done. I have also had the opportunity to meet most of the players. These guys are a class act.

The Heartlnad Baseball staff is second to none on and off the field. A very professional approach with a ton of on hand / pro active positive teaching.

Hope this helps
HOw does not playing travel ball set you back? Most of these schools don't look at 16u travel teams, they start looking at the kids that are 17u. So if he played this past summer that would have been enough, Norwood has been around a long time with good players and I am sure colleges know that and they do travel every weekend, usually out of state also, so they should have given him a wide range of schools to see him.

Jack Havey, Brett Kay, Leblebijian, Rambaud, didn't play big time travel ball either and they are all going D1, there's more names I can give you as well. Matt Milroy was someone that nobody knew about until this past summer and he got on with Illinois. I hope the kid gets noticed and someone finds out about him but I don't think it has anything to do with the summer, he's also playing fall ball in some decent tournaments with the Blues. There has to be something that is not letting these bigger schools pull the trigger. Maybe it's size. Glad to hear Heartland's on him, that's a start.
Last edited by Nails
All those kids you mentioned play for suburban schools that play in good conferences --east suburban cath, catholic league , etc . Rob plays for northside in the PUBLIC LEAGUE --huge difference in terms of publicity , notriety , talent level of the competition ..every which way you want to look at it . The public leaguer is automatically at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to the recruiting process. You are trying to imply that there must be some reason related to his talent level for the lack of D1 interest ...there isnt . He is 6'1 with good frame ..loose arm , flexible and lanky ..has hit 90 ..projects very well for the he has been told by a few scouts.

People seem to think just because some kids havent received D1 offer at this point that they wont down the line . Nails should already know this --given your baseball background-- ..its still relatively early in the game ....only early october . Most schools ..especially the mid majors ..are not even close to wrapping up their recruiting ...especially with regards to pitching .
Last edited by sulltiger24
My son was in a fall ball all-star game last night in Arlington Heights. Some nice talent. Toljanic, Pacyga, Huenecke just to name kids who have popped up on this web site. Kennedy would have been one of the kids who would have stood out at this game. He wasn't there.

Eric Walantas, who my son played with in travel ball pitched well. Also ripped a triple to deep left center. He hasn't committed yet either.

Most of these kids have not committed. It is early.

Keep an eye out for Sean Buchholz a 2010 from Barrington. Big arm. Pat Hyde, a catcher looked good. My son's teammate also a 2010 Tim Reichert played well.

Again, RK can play with any of them.
that sounds like a great thing for the uncommitted kids in the fall. Well I don't see how someone 6'1, that can touch 90 mph isn't getting looked at. These guys should be doing their homework more then or his summer and HS coach should be getting the word out on him and getting these schools to see him.

I understand what your saying with the Public league but even public league kids get invited to things like the Jack Kaiser game and Team Illinois. I'm sure if he's that good he'll be getting offers soon if he hasn't already.
Originally posted by Nails:

I understand what your saying with the Public league but even public league kids get invited to things like the Jack Kaiser game and Team Illinois.

He could have been passed over. I was not invited to either of those, or Silver & Black / Area Codes.

From what I understand, he is just as good as people are saying. I think that, like Sulltiger said, being in the CPS is one of the only reasons he is faced with the lack of D1 contact.
funny that's how you see it. I first mentioned that it must be something the kid wasn't doing whether it's talent, size, grades, etc. Then everyone else said colleges were missing him, he played in the public league, didn't play travel ball, wasn't invited to Stevenson or the big events, etc etc. Looks like that's passing the blame on everything and everyone. I'm the one that supports the notion if your good enough they will find you and it's not the jersey you play for or the travel team your on, it's your talent. Kids and parents first mission when their kid isn't getting the looks they want is to blame someone or something....................Playball, i think we might think the same on this. I also think there's alot of HS coaches that don't help kids the right way. That's facts, not blame. And if that's the case it's up to the kid to make a name for himself.

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