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Prompted by the ESPN thread, who do you feel are the sports media people who think they're bigger than the game? Try to sort of those who just have big egos from those who think they're bigger than the game. For example I think Mike Lupica and Bob Ryan have huge egos but don't perceive themselves to be bigger than the game.

I believe Chris Berman and Stuart Scott think their reports, not the game are the story. On a local level (Philadelphia) we have a guy who does get some national exposure, Howard Eskin. The guy never put on a jock and thinks he knows more than anyone.

These are my first candidates for "bigger than the game." The trophy we give to the winner can be called The Howard Cosell Award.

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

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Joe Buck is the worst of them all. Listening to him is like scratching a blackboard. The only reason why he's even working brooadcasting is because of daddy. Tim McCarver don't know when to shut up after he gets his point across. I'd rather poke a stick in my eye than listen to those two bozos for 9 innings.

John Sterling, radio voice of the NY Yankees is full of himself with his signature home run calls that he often screws up because he's so into himself preparing how he's gonna make his call but he forgets to track the ball to see if it ever actually went over the fence before calling it out.

He will also talk over anybody who's the analyst in the booth.

With that said, I'll turn down the sound when Yankees on a FOX for a national game and turn up the radio and listen to Sterling.
Last edited by zombywoof

I agree on McCarver and Buck. As a Sox fan I'm stuck listening to them about 10-20 times a year. Buck is full of himself and McCarver lost his fastball about 5 years ago, now he forgets his point 1/2 the time and screws up players names all the time. He needs to go.

Bryant Gumbel seems to come to mind for a sports media personality who thinks he is very important!!!
For me the class act of ESPN sports reporters is Bob Lee of OTL. Presents the case without interdicting his biases.

My son likes Rome of ESPN. IMHO Rome is caustic and obnoxious. He says Rome tells it like it is and doesn't fudge the truth of the matter. He says a reporter should get down to the bottom of the truth, no matter who feather's get ruffled, that's his job.

I'm with Holden...
Jay Mariotti. He's not just a tool, he's the whole toolbox.

The quarterback for the Rams was Jim Everette. Rome would call him Chris, after the female tennis player. Did it to his face and Jim asked him not to do that. Rome did it again to taunt him...boom, boom, out go the lights.

Rome plays a guy who tells it like it is, on TV, but in reality, he's just a blowhard with an opinion. He knows next to nothing, so there's nothing to tell.
Originally posted by Baseballdad1228:
I still miss Phil Rizzuto doing Yankee games. He was the consummate homer and unabashed in it.

Phil Rizzuto was the best. What a great homer. Him, Frank Messer and Bill White were one of the best broadcast teams ever.

Messer, who was overlooked among the three IMO was very underrated as a broadcaster. He was one of the very best in the business.

One of my favorite Scooter-White moments here:

Pine Tar Game Radio Call - Rizzuto/White

Pine Tar Game TV Call - Messer/Murcer

Security was chasing Gaylord Perry who took off with the bat so the American League office can't get it..LOL...This was as good as it gets.

And a rookie Don Mattingly wearing #46

I got both the full 9th innings of both the radio broadcast and the tv broadcast of this game. It's so much fun to go back and listen and watch one of the most memorable moments in baseball history.

Listening to Phil Rizzuto telling everybody how White's gone and crossing the George Washington Bridge going home, then all of a sudden, White returns and the two of them getting into it was classic

Frank Messer and Bobby Murcer on the TV side were just as good and so different how the radio team described the incident. How Frank messer describing the game ending in a Yankee 4-3 win. Which we all know got overruled and the game was continued a month later and Royals won 5-4. Unbelievable what happened here.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Originally posted by Dad04:
Tim McCarver needs adult day care.

Yeah, so what's wrong with that. Adult day care can be fun, and stimulating, and we don't hardly ever hurt ourselves (bad anyways).

I meant them, not me.

I'll let you know how I do in 30 years, if they don't kick me out the first day(care)

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