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Has anyone had experience with recurring blood blisters on the inside of the middle finger next to the finger nail on their pitching hand?

I would appreciate any information or suggestions.
------------------------------------------------------------ "Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God." Leo Buscaglia
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Another soaking remedy is Domeboro Solution. My son had pitching blisters a few times in HS, and he tried the Domeboro because I read about it for runners' blisters. It is a white powder that you buy in packets at the pharmacy counter and mix with water. We found it at the Target store pharmacy. Follow the package directions but in smaller quantities - part of a packet in a cup of water is enough to soak the finger, of course.

He started by cleaning and sterilizing the blistered finger and then popping the blister with a sterilized needle. Then he soaked the finger 2 or 3 times per day in the Domeboro Solution in a cup of water. It helped dry up the blister and toughen the skin under the blister so that he was able to get back to pitching in just a few days.
Last edited by MN-Mom
A blood blister of where you speak is very will eventually develop a calus....

Until then.....if it occurs during a game....pop it (w/ a sterile needle) and continue to is annoying but tollerable.......If pickle juice prevents it, then so be it..... experiment w/ the length of the middle finger nail....if it is too painful then don't pitch w/ it......

My suggestion is to pop it and keep pitching....happens often and can be pitched through.....
Thanks for all the suggestions. We will give them all a try.

This pesty blister has been coming and going for about a year....the first time it occurred it was a big blister that he popped which left exposed tender skin...he tried to continue pitching but it made for a very poor outing. Wish we had known about the superglue...we would have tried it!

I keep thinking it will become calloused but even with year round pitching it is still coming and going.

Much thanks!
Last edited by cheapseats

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