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Originally posted by like2rake:
I think rugby has the strongest argument for inclusion as an Olympic sport. It is played globally, and is extremely popular worldwide, and there's obviously no questioning the manhood of any bloke who plays that game.

Agree. I don't know or understand Rugby, but it seems to pass the "look right" test.
FNL said....While I see that you're a HSBB Web "Old Timer", Jimmy03, I doubt that you're old-timer enough to have been around when they designed the ancient Olympic Games, which featured naked men running around in a stadium, and...chariot racing.

Nor do I reckon you're old-timer enough to have been tight with Baron De Coubertin when he designed the modern Olympic Games in the 1890's. The modern Olympic Games were built around the lifetstyle of the aristocracy (hence the emphasis on amateurism. Can't have a gentleman competing with those filthy working class people, or his sports instructors.) 1890's Aristocrats were a pretty horsey set, thus equestrian events have been on the Olympic program since the 2nd Olympic Games in 1900.

A lot of people have a lot of opinions about what the Olympic Games should be, but in the end, the Olympic Games are a brand of multi-sport events owned and operated by the International Olympic Committee. The Olympic Games are, and always will be...whatever the IOC wants them to be.

FNL & dad43,

It is all about solutions. So, let's take this dressage (horse ballet) and horse jumping competition to the next level. Let's get the riders more involved in the sport. How about chariot races ( mentioned it!) and jousting included in the Olympic Games as part of the equestrian competition? TV Ratings would go through the roof, the IOC would be happy not to mention the Baron de Coubertin and the naked Greeks could all rest in peace. What do ya think? I'm really warming up to the idea. Nothing says equestrian like a good chariot race or joust!

Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by like2rake:
I think rugby has the strongest argument for inclusion as an Olympic sport. It is played globally, and is extremely popular worldwide, and there's obviously no questioning the manhood of any bloke who plays that game.

Agree. I don't know or understand Rugby, but it seems to pass the "look right" test.

The IOC agrees. Rugby Sevens is on the program for the 2016 Games in Rio.
Originally posted by Vector:
Originally posted by Quincy:
Could it be possible that NBA players are not pot heads, but top quality athletes donating their time and efforts to the nation ?

Maybe, but I then wonder how long you must be pot free to receive a negative test. Lets face it, good old Michael Phelps was obviously doing pot between Beijing and London. So if they do test for pot use which your linked article says they do, there must be a certain time period they are dope free to pass the tests.
A body can cleanse itself of THC in thirty days.
There's a real simple solution to the Olympics. Watch what you like and turn off what you don't. I DVR'ed each night and started watching about 9:30pm. Without the sports I didn't want to watch and ads I watched about 1:45 per night. I fast forwarded through heats.

I'll watch anything that's action that doesn't have subjective scoring. I know what I'm seeing when someone crosses the finish line first. I know what I'm seeing when there aren't weighted scored. With diving and gymnastics it all looks the same to me unless someone screws up.

I watched all the USA track, swimming, rowing and field hockey, volleyball, beach volleyball and basketball (once it got to the semifinals). I was up at 5:45am twice for field hockey.

Most of the sports I watched I understood due to either my kids or I playing them. But I felt the announcers did not do a good job of explaining the sport or staying away from the sport's cliches for the benefit of the once every four year fan. wouldn't understand.

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