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I am with baseballmom.
You are the ONE person I will not miss if this sight closes down.
I can see what a busy guy you are, finding numerous articles to post daily, trying to aggravate TR, etc. Hope you are able to fill in those hours you spend here with something more productive.
Could anyone help me, who is the real Dibble?
Please send me a pm if you know.
Last edited by TPM
Dibble (aka....Andy May),

You are a blemish on the high school and college baseball landscape. You are lucky that Bob is such a good person, or you would have been deleted years ago.

I still remember your "Baseball in Italy" scam....what a joke. Do you still live in mommy & daddy's basement?

When it comes to your money making schemes....buyer beware!
Debate ideals/issues not personalities

Then I suggest you take your eraser out & use it on the post:
[QUOTE}wonder what TRHIT will do, he would have severe withdrawals and no forum to tell people how brilliant he is[/QUOTE].
Or any number of other "spitting" contests you delight in rousing.
Then, follow your own advice & stick to
I post an article, it because I think it has important information....

You, sir (?) got into the personalities!
Last edited by baseballmom
why are yall sitting hear busting dibble when the site its about to close down. You'd think such dedicated baseball people would care more about the site closing down and rallying to get it back up than tearing apart some guy like youve got a magnifying glass and hes an ant.
Somebody keep this site going
hes one of the only people that have actually thought up an idea of how to keep the site going which is more than most of you can say
its why some of the more intelligent posters that can actually help young players have recently began to file out

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