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Does not look to me like his teammates came flooding out of the dugout. Every major homerun of his career he has got to homeplate with out his teammates being there to congradulate him.

Even the on-deck hitter did not go up to the plate!!! He actually backed away form the plate area!!!

Only his son was anywhere near the plate.

The "offical" 715 MLB references on it....just "love" the ego of the cheater.

TAll this speaks volumes about the "man".

Also MLB didn't even "recognize" the event with an official celebration. LOL, can't imagine why...

LadyNMom is right, of course the crowd cheered him, its the only place in MLB where the majority of the crowd does cheer him.

to quote MR. T....."I pity the fool"
Also MLB didn't even "recognize" the event with an official celebration. LOL, can't imagine why...

LadyNMom is right, of course the crowd cheered him, its the only place in MLB where the majority of the crowd does cheer him.

to quote MR. T....."I pity the fool"


Mr. T....Mope of all time.

MLB likely wasn't there because of the "cloud" of controversy which surrounds Barry.

You go, Barry.

They also likely didn't spend a lot of time with the celebration for 715 because you're on your way to 1,000!!!!!

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"...Giants fans cheered because they know what a significant event it was! Notwithstanding so many writers and other "talking heads" who couldn't get out of T ball!

You go, Barry.
if bonds was still in a pirate uniform, (or his soon to be jail togs) the giants fans wouldn't be cheering this "event". It is just a mindless act.

The more telling point is NOT one teammate came out to greet barroid. Babe Ruth's daughter and Hank Aaron refused to attend. MLB did 0 and his Espn show is off the air. barroid is simply the biggest assterisk in baseball history.

please try to come up with something new..."Mope" ?...getitng just a bit old to see that it virtually every post you place out here.

1000 HRs....HA....lets see if he even gets close to Aaron...The legal noose is starting to tighten.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....LOL..I Have NEVER taken any Steriods or HGH....I'll cast all the stones....HE IS A CHEAT.

Even the usual supporters of Bonds on ESPN are having a hard time swallowing this today.

Im still waiting for why none of his teammates EVER go to home plate for any of his so called milestone HRs. A rookie hitting a game winning HR getting more adulation form his teammates than Bonds "breaking" these lofty records. Look at how EVERY team in MLB gathers around a guy after a game winning HR or 9th inning base hit to win a game.


Your blind and moronic adulation of this phony is especially a joke today, Memorial Day.

Ted Williams, the TRUE greatest hitter in baseball history, would have been the HR king but for serving his country in TWO wars. He was not sitting on *** in the back lines or doing some USO tour either, he was front line fighter pilot.


Especially today "Been" on behalf of veterans everywhere this statement fits oh so well.

"I'll fight to my death to provide you your right to be an idiot"
Kind of a "stretch"...Maybe to be expected from someone living in New Hampshire.

Don't like Bonds, I don't care. You don't have to like him. I admire his baseball talent.

What Bonds has to do with Memorial Day? Nothing.

I know plenty of people serving in the military now. For what? To come home from Iraq in a body bag.

We spend billions on the military and we can't defend ourselves against road side bombs in Iraq?

What the heck do we need nuclear/"nukeylear" weapons for? Billions and billions for what? Who is going to attack us? Peru?

I have 3 sons now...and there is not a chance in the world that any of them will serve in the military at the behest of a President that we have now.

Problem for the President is an educated populace.

Lost a relative killed in action in Korea, just a few months after he emigrated to America and joined the Army. What are you going to tell me about "serving" our country?

One place YOU never want to go!

Watch Black Hawk Down, My cousin, who I grew up with playing sports, graduating HS with died in Somalia. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for what he did that day and there is a a navy ship that bears his name.
(Ask Bubba Clinton where he was, all he did was pawn off all responsibility with Somalia)

My brother-in-law is still in the army now. He drove tanks in the gulf war.


Again I'll state this , because your posts just continue to prove it over & over again.

"I'll fight to my death to provide you your right to be an idiot"
Been.....what do you mean about living in New Hampshire? How can you make that statement and then reference intelligence?

Okay....think we need to get off Bonds for a little while and pause....take some deep breaths.....forget one upmanship.....and just say thank you to all our service people, military, police, fire.....all who put themselves in harms way to protect us, and our liberties.....

Thank you to all......
Read your own post, you goof

John, I thought you didn't like it when people start calling other people names on this board.


When people start calling people names, that is when I get off the ship.

I can be as sarcastic or as cynical as anyone. Chose not to continue along that path." remember the post? If not I can find it for you. In fact here it is...
"Your blind and moronic adulation of this phony is especially a joke today...."


"I'll fight to my death to provide you your right to be an idiot"

I hadn't said "boo" to the guy and he starts with this.

We keep on going around and around on the Bonds issue.

You have your point of view and I have mine.

You will not convince me about anything re Bonds other than he is a talented athlete who can hit a baseball better than anyone in my lifetime. That is what I applaud. I was a minor league "hamburger" but I know how difficult it is to hit a baseball thrown by professional pitchers. And then to see him hit so many home runs...WOWOWOWOW!!!!!

You don't like the man or even "despise" what he's achieved, fine. I like the guy and think he's tremendously talented.

No more, no less.

I think he'll pass Aaron. And if he's healthy enough to play in the American League for a couple of years...the standard will be in the mid 800's for total home runs for a career.

You go, Barry.

Seems like you still cant get it straight...

Let me connect the dots for you one last time,


Posted May 28, 2006 10:54 PM
I have not seen the video of it,


There was no attack on you... it was a simple
statement of the current situation.


"Everyone, NH.

Full ballpark cheered mightily."

Once i saw the video, your reply was WRONG...NOONE CAME OUT OF THE DUGOUT


On your point about it being America...your absolutely right...You want to support the guy, and ignore how he achieved these accomplishments

I can say just about anything I want in America. This is America.

Who is "mocking" Memorial Day? Read your own post, you goof!

I didn't back off and you don't like it."

If I am a "goof" for stating the simple truth about Ted Williams so be it.

I dont care if you back off or what you do, you dont like the fact there are those of us who simply refuse to let these foolish statements ("on this way to 1000 HR") stand without a challenge.

Enough of the Bonds Banter.....Time to get back baseball

I spent the afternoon and early evening today walking through some local cemetaries paying homage to those who served this country.

To all the veterans out there, you have my undying thanks for all you sacrificed for our freedom.
I don't think anyone disputes that pre-steroid Barry was a very talented player. He had all of the tools, even though he couldn't throw out Sid Bream, whose "dash" around the bases has constituted the most exciting two minutes in sports history. He was undoubtedly going to be a HOF inductee...maybe not 1st ballot, but he was on his way. Post-steroid, he may split the vote enough that he may take considerable time getting inducted, even though he's now #2 on the list.

There's now no doubt whatsoever that he not only used banned substances, but he did so knowingly. Forget the flaxseed oil excuse, and the muscle balm doesn't fly. The evidence in the Balco trial showed what he was taking, when he was taking it, and what city he was in. If you choose to ignore the evidence, that's certainly your right, but don't be shocked if someone thinks your opinion is goofy, mopey, dopey, or any of the other Seven Dwarves.. Big Grin

There's no reason to drag this down to who had relatives die in what war, why people don't like President Bush, and what the true meaning of Memorial Day is. I'm as patriotic as they come, and I've had friends and family pay the ultimate price for this country, ensuring that this nation stay free...and mopes, goofs, and morons benefit from that. If you want to criticize the Administration, disagree with the war, or keep your kids from joining the service, that's your right...but (1) just remember that people died to give you that right, and (2) expect people to disagree with you.

Back to Bonds...if MLB had a Commisioner with a backbone, Barry never would have reached 715 at this point...he would have been suspended pending an investigation of the now public Balco records. Bud Selig stated that he would read the book and investigate...since then...nothing. Not a word. I'm assuming he's stil waiting to order the book from, or he's just biding his time waiting for Congress to subpoena him again.

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