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A huge Booooooooooooooooo Frown to DISH TV; not only are they not offering the MLB Extra Innings package, they did not pick up the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN), so I can't even see the O's.

BUT, help is on the way. We're removing all of our DISH garbage and Direct TV is being installed next week, including the new Extra Innings Superfan package, where 10 games a week are in HD, and you can watch up to 8 games at once (Mrs. Hokieone just loves that...). And Direct TV does carry MASN. With the current promotion, the changeover will cost nothing at all.

I e-mailed my disgust to Charlie, he of the "Charlie Chat" president of the Echostar Company. fame.
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Direct TV signed a 7 year contract with MLB. After flack was raised, they offered the package to DISH and the Cable providers at the same pricing. The Cable folks accepted, DISH refused. I personally called MASN and they told me they spoke with DISH for over a year and DISH didn't have much interest in carrying MASN, which will broadcast Orioles and Nationals games. Direct TV will carry The Baseball Channel when it debuts in 2009 under the agreement as well.
wish ya told me you were changing, I could'a made a quick $50 & split it with you Smile

anyway not sure why you'd think ya might switch back to Dish. We've had Direct for about 5 yrs & couldn't be happier .. cusomer service is good, in addition to MLB games, the college sports pack is great for college baseball nationwide & can be turned off in the offsesaon

ps - I don't work for them

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