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I'm curious about this subject. I've heard from friends that have kids in two different 5A programs here locally, that they've already had try outs, made cuts, and announced rosters. We've not had any activity along those lines yet. I thought it all begins around Feb 1st, statewide. Does the start date only apply to practices? My son has played varsity ball for the last two years and he hasn't known for sure what team he's on or who gets cut until the first week of Feb., both years.
I would bet the coach gave a list to the booster club. I can't imagine any booster having the nerve to come up with a list on their own...does that really happen?

Either way, a list should not be posted until try-outs are announced and held (even if it is just a formality). I bet if an unknown kid comes to "try-outs" and stands out in the crowd then the list would be ammended to include him. Most coaches want to put their best chance of winning on the field and on the team.
Last edited by cheapseats
why would a coach give a list to the booster club a month before tryouts? i really think it is very controling booster club. i'm really curious to see how the final roster compares to this list. see who really selects the teams.

since this is posted on a high school web site does it have any UIL implications? Since the High School has selected the teams without tryouts? Just curious
Your right, I should not have used the word "list". I was picturing something more casual like passing of information from the coach to a booster club officer in a casual conversation.

After reviewing a few booster club websites I noticed several had "disclaimers" saying they were not affiliated with the school or the school district. Interesting...does your schools website have a disclaimer regarding its affiliation?
Last edited by cheapseats
Screw, I would contend that there are no UIL implications, becuase the team has not been "selected" just because names have shown up on a booster club website.

I'd wait and get a little more clarity before jumping to conclusions.

By the way, are you sure they did not just change the header from last year and not yet delete the names on the roster?
kellerdad, give me a break please. i do not need a reality check and i'm not sticking my head in the sand. can someone not ask questions without getting insulted? i know the coach has a good idea who is starting at what position. however, i've talked with him and know that there are some questions at certain positions.

my problem is the booster club presenting their opinion of who should be starting without consulting the coach. i would venture to guess the coach does not even know about this list on the website.
Not that this really matters, but our coach tells us "tryouts" (which I do not write like this to mock, but to show the uniqueness of this statement) start the first time we step on the field until final cuts are made at normally a random date in January. If coach needs more time to look at players, he'll keep more kids longer, if he knows who he wants, he's liable to make a list by the end of the first week. Now obviously, kids from football and basketball come at a later time, but once you get past freshman year, normally only the good ones come from those sports.
Rosters change.

The booster clubs will change more than the fall roster, and the fall roster will change more than the spring roster.

And, the spring roster can change more than booster club roster, if the varsity boys make bad decisions in the dark or post on myspace.

There is only one constant.

The booster club president's son will be on all three.

Prudence and's good to have both.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
Rosters change.

The booster clubs will change more than the fall roster, and the fall roster will change more than the spring roster.

And, the spring roster can change more than booster club roster, if the varsity boys make bad decisions in the dark or post on myspace.

There is only one constant.

The booster club president's son will be on all three.

Prudence and's good to have both.

Maybe it's not really a booster club website, but a MYSPACE in disguise run by a booster club...hmmm.
Originally posted by screwball:
has anyone experienced this before? i just noticed on our team's website that the varsity and jr varsity players for 2007 are listed. isn't tryouts in january?

Why does anyone care what the website shows? Most websites are updated periodically at best. If your son is on a roster on February 3, then he is on a team, regardless. You should worry about what happens on the field starting then and not spend any energy worrying about a roster that a booster club tool did on a website in late December.
Last edited by tychco
The booster club can be a valuable part of a successful team --- TRhit suggests throwing the baby out with the bath water.

The UIL limits the role of booster clubs -- the head coach needs to take a leadership role or over-zealous parents may be tempted to become intrusive.

If it weren't for the hard work of the Plano East booster club, the Panthers field, equipment, hitting tunnel, etc. would be rather generic.
I tried to stay away from this one, but can't resist. I will only speak on behalf of my program.

First off, the official start date for after school baseball workouts is January 29. This is the date that the UiL gives all us coaches. Now, after that, school districts can make their own "cut policy."

Me, I have about 35 kids, Sr.- Soph. in my baseball athletic period. There are also about 8-10 kids that will show up right after school from football, plus whoever else wants to tryout. Since it is my first year here, I don't know what those kids can do. Of course having seen and worked with the other 35 everyday during the fall semester, yes, I know what I have and I do have a "rough draft" of what my JV and Varsity could look like. However, right now, only myself and my varsity assistant have that information. I will catch my JV coach as we get him in the athletic period this week.

I keep this to myself for this simple reason. If I show my cards in the fall, then why should certain kids work as hard because either they have a spot "locked up" or they have no chance?

It is the policy of my school district that we have to conduct 5 days of tryouts. These tryouts begin January 29 and will last the entire week. I keep extensive data the entire week. We test the kids the first 2 days like a MLB tryout camp. The next three days are intrasquad scrimmages. Now as a coach, I'd much rather be "getting my fingers dirty" out there coaching them up. However, in this day in age, I understand the need to "cover all my bases" and give everyone many opportunities to showcase their abilities.

It will not "put us behind as a team" because I already have all pickoffs, bunt coverages, relays and offensive plays put in. The guys coming in from football and basketball will be a little behind and will have to catch up. What we do is simple so it will not be difficult for them to catch up. I mean, it's not like I invented baseball like Bill Parcells invented know what I mean? Wink

Anyway, the time is upon us. It is getting close, the THSBCA convention in Waco is in less than two weeks. We'll be having our pre-season umpires meeting the next week. Then...IT'S GO TIME!!!

funneldrill said it well...I would think any coach would have 90% of his roster set for varsity and probably 75% for JV by the time Jan. 29 tryouts begin. There are move-ins and surprises during that time, but if you don't know what most of your roster looks like by then, the Feb. 6 scrimmage will really sneak up on you. The Jan. 29-Feb. 2 tryouts are really for the freshman/JV teams.

Some Booster Club sites are maintained better than others, but I really wouldn't sweat what is put on those until after the tryouts are completed.
A booster club has no business putting up a premature roster.

If the booster club wants to put up a roster, it should put the coaches final roster up.

It is a difficult concept for many to accept, but the high school coach has the say on the final roster.

Whether the final roster decision is tainted by outside influence or not.

You're right, ballboy, it sends several baaaadd messages.
This point has been brought up before, so if someone could stear me the right way that'd be appreciated, or if someone could just answer the question again. Is there a true policy not allowing seniors to be on JV? And, do you (the reader) feel there are seniors on the team just because they are... seniors. Not meaning to stir things up, just wondering what the general feeling/occurance of this topic is around the area.

Many high school coaches will sit each player down before the final roster is set and explain each player's role on the team.

For a senior player that has participated or contributed to the team as a junior, but is not expected to play, as a senior, he may be offered the opportunity to remain with the team and earn a letter with the understanding that he won't likely see significant playing time.

There's probably not a true policy that prevents a senior playing on the JV, but, most senior players, wouldn't want to play with the underclassmen, and the coach does not want the JV spot taken by an up and coming player that needs the experience.

No policy is really needed. It just works itself out.

But, if the senior kid wants to stay and cause problems, he's done.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Our booster club sponsered and paid for website's content is controlled STRICTLY by our head baseball coach. NOTHING gets put on the site except by him.

Consequently all you will see on there right now is scheduling information and tournament information. All the "roster" pages are blank.

Pine Tree High School Baseball

I think this is the best and "safest" way for a booster club to sponser a web site.
Last edited by crawdad

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