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Two things we did were fun, and raised some money but not tons:

Alumni Day game - HS alums played each other (it's against FHSAA rules for the players to participate). We worked with the HS alumni association to get the addresses of former players. They had a blast. Each alum paid $25 to play, coach, or umpire, and several of them ended up giving larger donations.

Media Guide - Essentially a program with photos and a little write-up on all the players, plus some baseball trivia, past season highlights, etc. We sold ads for that and it was a big hit with the players and the advertisers.

Other than that, same old stuff: outfield banners, breakfast, car wash, etc.
Our HS booster club has an awesome and fun fundraiser!!

We have a co-ed softball tournament in the late fall at a softball/baseball complex. Only two HS baseball players per team - each were required to find other boys and girls for their teams. $20 a player gets you the entry fee plus a free t-shirt. We had both an adult league and a student league. No players under junior high age.

Count is 2 balls, 1 strike when you get up to bat - no bunts. Boy/girl/boy lineup. Girls have to be in both the infield and outfield. If someone walks, the next player has the option of automatically walking. After I think 3 homeruns, you have to pay $10 for the homerun to count or it's an out. Believe me, we made tons of money on the homeruns! Parents and players umpire so no cost on that. Prizes for best team uniform and name!

We made money on the concession stand getting food donated and had an raffle/silent auction. Also, we had a homerun derby. We made over $16,000 the past two years!

Great fun - even though son is off at college the rest of the family will probably play again this year! We had the principal, football coaches, and other teachers involved.

PM me if you want more information on rules, etc. Takes lots of time getting everything organized and donated but definitely the most fun fundraiser I've ever been involved in - beats the heck out of selling a card!
Last edited by curveball07

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