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I was hoping to get my 2013 to a PG event this summer but may have hit a snag. The closest event by 3 hours is in Canada. He just turned 16 and doesn't yet have an enhanced drivers licsense or passport. Checked on the border website but now I'm more confused than ever. Can I get him in with just original birth certificate under the "youth sporting group" exemption? Has anyone done this? I'd just hate to spend my "nonrefundable fee" only to not be able to get in the country.
An educated man went to visit a Zen master. He wished to learn what the Zen master knew. The master invited him in for tea and listened as his visitor told of his outstanding education. As the visitor talked on and on about his long and valuable education, the Zen master began pouring more tea for the man, until his cup was overflowing and the tea was spilling onto the man and onto the floor. “Stop,” the man said, “My cup is already too full; it cannot hold anymore.” “Yes,” said the Zen Master.
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Did you ever figure this out? My son was just invited to play in the Northwoods League and was told he needs a passport to get into Canada.

There's a Passport Card for $55 or a Passport Book for $135. The website isn't particularly helpful explaining the difference.

I'd love to get the cheaper one if it's valid for his needs.

Over the age of 16 - passport is required. Age 15 and under- original birth certificate with a valid photo ID will suffice. At least that is what works for So Cal to TJ border crossings.

In all seriousness, the passport card is much cheaper and is sufficient if you only intend to drive across the border. Fits right in your wallet so you won’t lose it. Passport book is required for air travel.

Also, check to see if your state offers a "enhanced drivers license". Those are also acceptable alternatives to the passport card/book. NY does offer the EDL if I remember correctly.

Passports take at least 6 weeks, so start the process early. Honestly a passport looks like the best and safest bet.
Passport cards are acceptable forms of ID for any mode of travel in North America (read, Canada & Mexico). They are not recognized outside North America.

When they first came out with the passport card, you couldn't get a card only. The card was an addendum to your regular passport (book) and an additional fee. I'm not sure if this is still the case.


Last edited by CPLZ

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