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I am sorry that no one has answered your question. We have a lot of pitching mavens here with opinions, but when someone has to come out and actually help someone by referring them to where they can find that info, it seems like too much work.

You can do a google search to find drills, but you can start with for answers.

Hope that this helps. Maybe someone can provide better info for you.
The most common I have seen is to get a pitcher to lean against a pole with his hip. I have seen Tom House do this with a group, and also my son's pitching coach would get him to lean against his hand (coach) with his hip (pitcher)and have the pupil drive to the plate against the hand pressure.

House has also done static reverse chaining by getting a pitcher to landing point all strided out so the pupil can feel where he wants him to get to.

Those are the two that come to mind right off the top of my head.
Last edited by BOF

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