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My son's HS coach has been having him throw 60 straight pitches once a week (five fb, five cu, five curves, then repeat).

I'd rather see this broken into four sets of 15 pitches, with 3-5 minutes rest between sets, at least here in the off-season.

"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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Hey Krak. I personally would rather see the pitcher in the pen more often. 3 times a week is what I like. I am sure we will debate this here.
I really don't care for an even number of fb, cu and cb. A pitcher has got to learn to throw more fb's and control them. He will then be able to set up off speed pitches.
I believe all theories can be debated, but only suggested to his coach. Your son can always throw an additional pen on his own.
I am also assuming this is part of his offseason workout. As I said I like 3 pens a week with band work, stretches, lots of long toss and pens. Then there should be a 6 week or so lay off for rest for a young man.
Many here also advocate for longer rest periods, but many area pro's here throw right thru the winter months.
i think 60 pitches is a lot!! how long do you have them doing this??? we try to average 12-15 pitchers per inning, 60 would be 4 innings (roughly). if you do that 3 times a week thats 12 innings in a week!!! if kid did this for say, 3 months prior to the season, thats 144 innings pitched BEFORE your season...thats a lot on the arm. when we do bullpens during the season its about 30 pitches. bullpens are designed to refine. we do most of our work on flatground to work mechanics and grips, then refine it all on the bump.
Originally posted by RobV:
Originally posted by turnin2:
if you do that 3 times a week

He said they are only doing it once a week.

One thought the coach may be having is that he doesn't want him to cool down so he has him throwing non-stop.

I would rather see it broken up into 2 sets also.

sorry, i was referring to Coachric
Sorry turnin2, I was not suggesting 60 pitches at a time more than once a week. I would advocate for 30-40 pitches 2-3 times a week. Long toss and workouts in between.
Roger, some of the pros I've talked to are long tossing 3-4 times a week, but I have also witnessed them doing work off the hill. Obviously there work load will be different then that of a high school kid.
Does this topic refer to bullpens during the season or during the off season?


Surely they didn't all throw their bullpens on a Wednesday during the season. Did they? I think I know what you mean though.

Typically pitchers might throw one bullpen between starts. Relievers usually only throw bullpens when they have not been used for awhile or when it is determined they need to. Off season, is usually done in two sets in at least two or three bullpens a week. Of course, there can be differences from one pitcher or one organization to another.
Actually we only went to a couple because the league folded. Ron is coaching in Arizona and his son is pitching for Arizona State I believe.
The two times we went I only saw 5-6 guys waiting and losenning up. This was also a travel day if they were going out of town.
This was a great but short lived experience as Fergie Jenkins and his daughter ran the team.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Krak why would you rest in between ? Is this a rest is a good thing so more is better ? As mentioned you arm will cool down and increase the posibility of injury. Before you step on the mound for bull pen you should warm up so why would you take a break.

I had read somewhere that these off-season pens should simulate game timing....15 pitches is a fairly standard inning, with rest in between as you'd get when your team is at the plate. It's the same idea as intervals in cardio, or 'inefficiency' in lifting.
we had two indoor mounds.two guys pitch 12 to 15 pitches(roughly an inning)sit down two other guys throw 12 to 15.then sit down.simulating a game. we didn't start this till january once a week slowly working up to a game a week.i allways liked it this way. same thing in the cage 3 swings get out.simulating at bats in a game.they don't get to comfortable,don't tie up cage time,keeps everyone on their i'm talking about a once a week thing for an hour or keep or get the kids ready for school try outs. and make sure they throw half from the stretch,the biggest weekness of most high schoolers.
if i've learned anything on this site there is more than one way to skin a rabbit.that's what i enjoy most about this if i could only type with more than one finger.
Last edited by 20dad
I like to mix up my pens for my pitchers. We never go more than once a week off the hill in the offseason and throw only fastballs and changeups.. Anywhere from 30-50 pitches..Do them in sets of 8-10 with a minute or two between. The pitchers will also do side work and flat ground stuff a couple more times a week.I have many good video series, but if you ever get the chance on satellite watch the Barry Zito offseason workout on the Fit channel..It will air again sometime..I recorded it..About one hour and covers everything from his offseason to preparing to pitch or do bullpens..Very good.

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