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No Evil Empire, no dead sox, no Florida twenty-somethings, just our beloved Orioles all alone,first place in the AL East. The O's magic number is 154.

When the Evil Empire and Dread Sox make their run, and they will, we bring up Matt Wieters...and put him on the mound. He threw 94-95 in college as a closer so he can throw for the O's too.

Mark Te-who-ra? Forget him. Hitting .211.
Sa-bum-thia/ Forget him, ERA of 4.50.

$400,000,000 just doesn't buy what it used to...

Good luck with those $2500 seats.


(Hey, I've got to enjoy it while it lasts, which could be not so long. Flat-billed closer George Sherrill will turn grey the few hairs on my head that my oldest son's college grades didn't whiten.)
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Originally posted by Orlando:
Heck, my Cards are winning and Carp isn't injured.

6 weeks maybe on DL, that didn't take long did it? crazy

Hey how about those Marlins!!!!!!

Problems is, not how you come out of the gate, but how you cross the finish line. Frown

Should be a great season, hopefully with some surprises come playoff time.
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