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I found something just as worse than seeing my own pitcher struggling, seeing the other teams pitcher struggling too. I know he has a mom out there feeling just as bad as I have at times.
So for the pitcher's moms of the world, I stand united with you in feeling your pain, your anguish at these times, as I do feel your joy and happiness as well.
That goes for all of the other moms of players. Smile

P.S. You WILL never see a post like this in the MENS ONLY forum.
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momandcpa ...
Am I pathetic or what???

Well, if you are pathetic, you have a whole lot of company 'cause I don't know many of us who aren't feeling pathetic when it comes to watching the boys on the field/mound or at the plate. I still can remember the time when I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take another breath during one particular game ... it was definitely one of the SEE's (significant emotional experiences) in my life as a pitcher's mom. And I hope there will be many more in my future ...

(FWIW ... he was throwing a 3 hit shut-out into the 7th inning
then into the 8th inning
and finally into the 9th inning
and I thought I was going to have a heart attack

But fortunately (or unfortunately depending on who you are ... Wink ) I lived to tell about it ...
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
FBM -- Yes, we'll definitely include the catchers' moms in our special group. The right catcher makes those pitchers look awfully good. Wild pitch? Passed ball? The end result is the same - and the moms wince and sigh and hope for better with the next set of pitches. And, I'll admit it, the pitchers never have to block the plate!
Ok - I have HUGE fears being the mother of a pitcher!

First, my son had given pitching up the last few years and was a CF. I had actually gotten to the point though where I was comfortable with him on the mound and able to keep my anxiety in check. His senior year of HS he began to pitch again - still not too bad, because I could claim "he's not really a pitcher". If he bombed, what are those coaches thinking - he's a CF!!!!!! Wink

However, now in college, he's suddenly a pitcher primary over OF. Can I adjust, Will I adjust, Do I need to adjust???? I'll let everyone know the answers to these after the season. In the meantime, I'm researching all of the strategies on HSBBW for surviving this transition into pitcher status. I will find comfort in the thought that if he does poorly, hopefully some other mother will feel my pain!
Do I get double points in the agony department? My 18-yr-old is a pitcher heading off to the SEC this Fall. My almost 13-yr-old is a catcher and back up pitcher.
I do believe the stress we feel as moms is purely our own. The last time I filmed my oldest pitching, there were 150 radar guns pointed at him. He was calm and collected. Two innings, 6 batters, only threw 21 pitches. The scouts loved him. Came home to watch the video of what was probably the best outing of his life and what do you know... Mom's camera was shaking too hard to watch the film.
My son handles the pressure fine. Its me who feels the stress...and no one's watching me!
Being lazy and taking advantage of this thread to let our friends/posters know.....our son is out for the season.....we had hoped surgery today would at least get him playing for a few weeks at the end of the season....but it had to be now we are back to red shirting....and yes, "Breaks my heart" is about right......but....he is doing very well academically.....and healthy in all other there is a lot to be thankful for..and we will spend this season cheering his team on.....and will look forward to his sophomore season.....we also continue to pray for the other posters whose sons are having problems now.....we wish you all well....and good baseball!
Last edited by LadyNmom
so sorry to hear about your son. . . know he is in our prayers. . . believe that everything happens for a reason. . . and he will be stronger for coming through this adversity.

I'm with you in double agony points. . . 17 year old son is outfielder and left-handed pitcher. He caught most of little league. 13 year old is basically UT (utility man); can play anywhere, but is catching and pitching mostly.

I think we worry so much with the pitcher's, because of general parent comments giving most of the credit of the game, win or loss, to the pitchers. It's great when they're winning, throwing a no-hitter, or striking out 13. It's misery when batters are hitting and mistakes are made in the field. Just all part of the game. One coach put it best, and I try to remember this point - the pitcher's job is to put the ball across the plate, and the catcher's job is to guide the pitcher as far as placing the ball.

Good luck to all the moms, because no matter where their sons play, we always want them to do their best!
Thanks everyone...think the most difficult thing for son has been the fact that he was first told he would be back and playing end of January.....then told no...but he'll be playing by mid-February....then told no....he would be out for the season....then will help get him back in the game by April.....and can't be done at this out for season again.....just the nature of his fracture.....but it's been hard on him.....they sure do a lot of growing up when they go away to school....don't they?
While I am still in a state of constant learning, my goal is to feel the pain and experience the joy at approximately the same time as my son. So far, I have not been very successful. A glass of wine helps, but good baseball friends are a MUCH better antidote to P(AC)MS (Pitcher's and catcher's Mom Syndrome)... cry

I must add, however, that one of my best friends is the Mom of an infielder who while steller at his position, is struggling at the plate at the moment. I would put her right up there with the best of us pull_hair

LadynMom - So sorry to hear about your son's continued story. Hopefully everyone will get their collective act together and get him going on the road to rehab very soon!!!!! Again, my previous remedy is appropriate Roll Eyes
Last edited by URKillingMeBlue
TPM......thanks.....yes, surgery rescheduled for 2 weeks from now.....hope you and son are doing okay.....

URKMB.....I like your suggestion....and if the truth be known....I thought of it a little earlier......and followed the thought!

luvbb.....thank you.....hope Homer and the family are well.....

We do have so much to be thankful for......
Last edited by LadyNmom
I have found that a jug of tums helps alot. Plus you are getting your needed calcium.

LadyNMom, sorry to hear about year son. Also every parents nightmare. My son got hit by a baseball while batting and collapsed heading out to center field. Took him to the hospital had a ruptured spleen. First they were going to operate, then not, then maybe. It is hard on a parents emotions. Ended up spending five days in ICU. Needless to say by the end of that time I thought he was going to go to the funny farm. They didn't end up doing surgery but was out for eight weeks. He was 16 and I found out your spleen is more important than most people think. He would have had to have all baby shots every five years because apparently that is your immune system. Best of luck to you and your son and my thoughts are with you.

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