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Lawrie needs to pipe don. The ump blew it but what's done is done. Let the manager go out there and protect his player. The ump screwed up but until some of these players grow up, they'll continue to get suspended for throwing tantrums like that. It's got nothing to do with being a fiery competitor. You can be a fierce competitor and not act like a spoiled jerk.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Lawrie needs to pipe don. The ump blew it but what's done is done. Let the manager go out there and protect his player. The ump screwed up but until some of these players grow up, they'll continue to get suspended for throwing tantrums like that. It's got nothing to do with being a fiery competitor. You can be a fierce competitor and not act like a spoiled jerk.

Just funny, to me, how Lawrie, a grown man, throws a helmet that strikes an official, and it's treated, by most, like it's no big deal, especially since the umpire called a 'questionable' strike on the previous pitch.

Yet, a kid in a jv game goes after an adult coach who made, possibly, a disparaging comment about the player's mother is the worst person in the world and should be kicked out of school and never be allowed to set foot on a field again. I don't get it. Smile
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Just funny, to me, how Lawrie, a grown man, throws a helmet that strikes an official, and it's treated, by most, like it's no big deal, especially since the umpire called a 'questionable' strike on the previous pitch.

Yet, a kid in a jv game goes after an adult coach who made, possibly, a disparaging comment about the player's mother is the worst person in the world and should be kicked out of school and never be allowed to set foot on a field again. I don't get it. Smile

Here's why..The problem is that when these players were young kids, mom and dad wore blinders and were so caught up with their sons baseball skills that anything they did or how they behaved was fine because they could hit, catch or throw a baseball. Nothing else mattered other than they were the star player and everybody was going gaga over them. If they were taught how to act, how to win and lose with class and had no problem disciplining them when they didn't get it, you might not see some of the childish outbursts that happen as they become of adult age.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Just funny, to me, how Lawrie, a grown man, throws a helmet that strikes an official, and it's treated, by most, like it's no big deal, especially since the umpire called a 'questionable' strike on the previous pitch.

Yet, a kid in a jv game goes after an adult coach who made, possibly, a disparaging comment about the player's mother is the worst person in the world and should be kicked out of school and never be allowed to set foot on a field again. I don't get it. Smile

That's because the Brett Lawrie has a union to back him up.

Personally I would love to see someone like Lawrie banned for the entire season and forfeit his entire salary for one year.

Money is a great motivator for change.
Just funny, to me, how Lawrie, a grown man, throws a helmet that strikes an official, and it's treated, by most, like it's no big deal, especially since the umpire called a 'questionable' strike on the previous pitch.

Yet, a kid in a jv game goes after an adult coach who made, possibly, a disparaging comment about the player's mother is the worst person in the world and should be kicked out of school and never be allowed to set foot on a field again. I don't get it.

If you don't understand the difference between a helmet at a rather slow speed and a baseball at a high rate of speed, I won't explain it for you. If you don't understand intention, I won't explain it either...

I thought Lawrie deserved a longer suspension and was surprised when he only got 4 games. But that's what MLB gave him; time to move on..

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