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As far as the history of the situation I am quite clear. Malholm has hit him twice. Once was an iinside pitch that got away and one is one that was more or less intentional. Both were in the lower extremities. Gomez has hit him very well. second one was out of frustration and just the inability to get him out. What set off Gomez in this situation I have no idea. He came out of his shoes and stared down a pitcher he has raked. What the heck caused him to throw out the verbal bombs god only knows. He had gotten on and stole bases and made life miserable for Malholm all year and even before, didn't matter what uniform he was wearing. Have no idea what he was saying as he left home plate or as he rounded the bases at all of the infielders. but I guess it was enough to provoke McCann to meet him up the third base line. I don't think he was inviting the braves out to dinner. In a situation like that, adrenaline and testosterone flowing it happened. And to be honest,I  was glad someone confronted him as he was a complete ass running the bases. Maybe that will teach him a lesson. And as a side note. the brewers did not seem to thrilled to have to go out and protect the guy. I stand by my posts. And anyone who is implying that I advocate the intentional beaning of players, which means in the head, then they are distorting my words. Are there situations where a drilling is required in professional baseball? Absolutely and I stand by that statement.  

Originally Posted by oldmanmoses:

As far as the history of the situation I am quite clear. Malholm has hit him twice. Once was an iinside pitch that got away and one is one that was more or less intentional. Both were in the lower extremities. Gomez has hit him very well. second one was out of frustration and just the inability to get him out. What set off Gomez in this situation I have no idea. He came out of his shoes and stared down a pitcher he has raked. What the heck caused him to throw out the verbal bombs god only knows. He had gotten on and stole bases and made life miserable for Malholm all year and even before, didn't matter what uniform he was wearing. Have no idea what he was saying as he left home plate or as he rounded the bases at all of the infielders. but I guess it was enough to provoke McCann to meet him up the third base line. I don't think he was inviting the braves out to dinner. In a situation like that, adrenaline and testosterone flowing it happened. And to be honest,I  was glad someone confronted him as he was a complete ass running the bases. Maybe that will teach him a lesson. And as a side note. the brewers did not seem to thrilled to have to go out and protect the guy. I stand by my posts. And anyone who is implying that I advocate the intentional beaning of players, which means in the head, then they are distorting my words. Are there situations where a drilling is required in professional baseball? Absolutely and I stand by that statement.  

How do we know the pitcher didn't say something first? How do we know McCann didn't say something? Oh wait, McCann DID! He told him to "run the f'in bases" when the ball was hit. Quit putting the blame solely on Gomez when Gomez was not solely at fault.


I truly believe the Braves will be short-lived in the playoffs. They are too concerned about everything but playing playoff baseball. Anybody else see player and coach get into physical altercation after the game yesterday??

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