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I know this should go into the injury forum, but I thought it would get more looks here.

Monday night I broke my fibula in the second round of the state football playoffs. I had surgery yesterday morning. They put in 6 screws, a plate, and a pin. I will be on crutches for 3 months and then they will remove the pin. After that I will start physical therapy.

I have been a 4 sport athlete in high school playing football, basketball, track, and baseball. So I have been very busy and I haven't got much exposure for baseball at all. Also, it doesn't help that Iowa plays high school ball during the summer. I was planning on going to some schools for their camps over Thanksgiving and Christmas break, but now that isn't going to happen with the injury. I also had some workouts lined up for some top junior college programs.

I've gained a lot of attention from schools just by my stats and accolades in baseball and also by my success in other sports. I'm a talented athlete and I can really play anywhere on the baseball field. I play shortstop for my high school team, but I will probably play outfield, 3B, or 2B in college. In baseball I've been named all-state every year and I have been all-state in football twice. I was also all-conference in basketball and I won conference in the long jump and placed second in the 100m dash. I have set state records in baseball and also in football as a QB.

It's tough to sit here and see other guys that I've played with and against give their verbal committment to D-1 schools. Some guys I feel that I'm better than, but they have just had better exposure because most of them play only baseball. It has always been my goal to play baseball at the D-1 level and I believe I have the skill and athleticism to do so. Also, I feel I have a lot of untapped potential in baseball once I get to college and can play it year around.

I just haven't done a very good job with exposure. I've thought about going the junior college route, but now I'm pretty limited to the local JC's. They are ok, but most of the junior colleges I've talked to are in Arizona and Florida. I'd like to go to a Juco in a warmer climate if possible. I've also heard some negative things about junior colleges and that scares me a little.

My grades are pretty good as I have a 3.2, with a 25 ACT. I got a 3.6 this first quarter, so my GPA continues to rise.

I just don't know where to go from here. I understand that good baseball is played at the D-2 and D-3 levels. I also understand that receiving a good education is my first priority. I just feel I can play at a higher level if just given the opportunity. I've always been the kind of person that wants to be the best at anything I do.

I would consider walking-on at a school if it is the right fit. I'm just really down right now and any positive insight would be great!

It was hard before trying to decide on a school, but now it is really hard because I'm going to try to get back to full stregth. It just seems like the whole situation is out of my hands now and their is nothing I can really do as far as schools go.

Any help would be great! You can send me a PM if you have any advice. Thanks!
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I'm just really down right now and any positive insight would be great!

It was hard before trying to decide on a school, but now it is really hard because I'm going to try to get back to full stregth. It just seems like the whole situation is out of my hands now and their is nothing I can really do as far as schools go.

Any help would be great! You can send me a PM if you have any advice. Thanks!

Being from Iowa, Have you heard of Perfect Game?
Go to there Web Site At the top of this page.
And contact them.
They may already have Info on you and your success in sport's in Iowa.

Keep your head up, and have patiance.
Don't hurry up and try to come back early.
Make sure you Rehab correctly.
It will work out.

Do you have any game video of yourself? From what I have read on this site and elsewhere, there are good programs that may be open to committing to a good player without seeing them in person based on the type of stats and accolades you have, the references of coaches you have played for, and if available, video that they could look at. I wouldn't give up on your dream of playing at the highest level possible. By this point you must have had schools that you aspired to attend/play for. How about contacting their coaches and expressing your interest, explain your injury situation, and see if they would be willing to learn more about you based on whatever info/references you can provide them? I'm sure you'll get more suggestions from the many knowledgeable folks on this site.
Yeah, I actually played on the PG Iowa Select Team this fall in a couple tournaments, but it was tough with football the night before and then practice Saturday morning. I didn't have time to hit during the week and was pretty banged up from football. I was really hoping I'd get to go to Jupiter, but we made the footall playoffs so it didn't work out.

I've always tried to go to a PG showcase, but it has never worked out.

I don't have any video either, which is a really bad deal. When I was a sophomore I sent out my contact letters to schools and received a lot of feedback. I just always figured they would come out and watch me play. It never happened and never did end up making a video.

I have e-mailed some of the coaches I've been in contact with so we will see what happens with that.
Last edited by IowaPlayer5
Excellent advice EH.
I'm just really down right now and any positive insight would be great!

Don't feel sorry for yourself would be my first advice - all is not lost.

This post that you generated here is very well-written. That is very good news. It shows you are smart, a good student, and thoughtful. Use this ability to your advantage. Take this post and modify it to suit the schools you are interested and e-mail it to them today (all the schools you are interested in or have heard from in the past). This post got my interest and I am guessing it will get a coach's interest. It explains your plight and invites them to give you advice on what to do. Some might say they might be interested in seeing you next summer. Others might suggest the JUCO route. Some may make an offer because they have seen you play in the past. Contact them via e-mail, phone calls, letters, etc. and ask them for their opinion. It will bring you much closer to your stated goal. While your leg is healing, use your brain, determination, and communications abilities to make it happen and it will.
Originally posted by IowaPlayer5:
Yeah, I actually played on the PG Iowa Select Team this fall in a couple tournaments, but it was tough with football the night before and then practice Saturday morning. I didn't have time to hit during the week and was pretty banged up from football. I was really hoping I'd get to go to Jupited, but we made the footall playoffs so it didn't work out.

I've always tried to go to a PG showcase, but it has never worked out.

IowaPlayer - these facts may all be true but they also sound like excuses. You chose to play football so don't use that as an excuse for your baseball performance. The last thing a college coach wants to hear is an excuse. Offer them solutions instead. For example, rather than try and explain less-than-desired baseball results, highlight how being a multi-sport athlete puts you ahead of other kids and would be an asset to the program. There are all kinds of ways to sell yourself but I would not attempt to explain things by making any type of excuse.
ClevelandDad--I understand what you mean. I would never say that in an e-mail to a college coach. I was just stating that I played in a few good tournaments this fall for exposure, but I didn't receive any interest because I didn't perform very well.

I never try to make excuses. Playing four sports in high school is an amazing experience and I wouldn't change it for anything.
I am assuming you are a senior- ( yes? )
I can feel your worry in your post. I am so sorry for your injury.
Second round of the State Playoffs, huh?
That is to be commended.

You've just been through alot. ( surgery,..the shock of being injured, pain, etc. )

Here's the good news,...all is not lost. It may be hard to do right now, but stay as positive as you can. You will recover from this injury.
( Thank goodness,...some injuries are life threatening. )

Sounds to me like chances are, you are probably in very good over-all shape/condition. That will help with the recovery. Keep your head up and stay determined to find a way around this wall,...which I'm sure right now seems like it is standing 40 feet high.

If you've played on the PG Iowa Select team, have made a great contact and are very fotunate right there. Cant think of a better resource than PG itself. Call them.
I'd also get on the bullhorn with Iowa Western CC.
If you've played in Iowa,...chances are they have seen you or heard about you.

First and foremost,...get better.
Get 100% better.
Do everything the doctors tell you to do.
Dont cut corners. Keep up with your grades.
If you want to play baseball in the future, you have to be 100% well.
It will take time. ( Know that and come to peace with that.)
Keep your head focused and positive. Its going to take a lot of brain muscle as well as physical muster to forge ahead.
It can be done. It has been done.
My son has a team mate and very good friend who blew out his knee. Most people said/thought he was done with baseball.
Not true.
Perhaps that kind of negative feedback only fueld his fire to prove not only to them but to himself that they were wrong,..and indeed they were.
He's playing JUCO ball,..and has been getting looks by solid 4 year universities.
His future is bright.
Yours can be too. Smile

Recovery, recovery, recovery!!!
( and a hug, too. )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Shortstopmom thanks for the amazing post! Thanks to everyone else as well!

Lots of great advice!

I'm going to work very hard at getting back, but I'm always going to take it slow. Nothing worse than coming back too soon. I've been very open with the coaches and they have been very helpful with everything. Everything happens for a reason and I feel that God has a plan for me! Thanks again!
I'm going to work very hard at getting back, but I'm always going to take it slow. Nothing worse than coming back too soon. I've been very open with the coaches and they have been very helpful with everything. Everything happens for a reason and I feel that God has a plan for me! Thanks again!

IP5 you will be fine. Things do happen for reasons. I know numerous players who recovered from injuries more serious, from a baseball standpoint, than yours. I've broken bones and I know it is serious and does not tickle. Bones heal. Your positive attitude will help in recovery and after. Use the next few months to build an academic advantage. Good Luck!
Originally posted by Dad04:
....Bones heal. Your positive attitude will help in recovery and after. Use the next few months to build an academic advantage. Good Luck!

Good advise. With the help of modern medicine, bones heal. However, the "internal drive" is fueled by the soul. Chin up, and use this negative situation as incentive to be the best you can be. From your past history, it's obvious you are born to compete, now it's time to prove it to yourself in the biggest game to date in your life, You vs You.

Many of us on this site have athlete sons, or personally know of athletes who have had to "bite the bullet", start from scratch, and they ended up beating the adversity. Now it's time for you to be added to that list of winners.

Go for it, take no prisoners, and don't cheat your dream.
Last edited by rz1

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