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Originally posted by HaverDad:
re: for a 59-yr-old man to run around on stage in tight jeans like that,

Pleeeeeease don't misunderstand, I was only suggesting that the "running around" part for me (at least), is done here in the early Paris morning, in the privacy of my flat.

Note: French "color" analysis is hilarious.

HaverDad in his French flat

Originally posted by Midlo Dad:
First concert I ever saw was Springsteen on the "Born to Run" tour, fall 1976.

No opening act. Played for 2 hours, took 20 minutes to put on some dry clothes, then did another 1:45.

Who today could pack an arena and put on a show like that?

I was there. He packed a Jai-A-Lai fronton in Orlando with about 2,000 people and put on one of the best shows I've seen.
I guess I'm in the minority...I thought he was ok at best. The music was off and he doesn't sing..he screams into the mike. They looked and sounded like a bunch of 50+ year olds trying to be in their 20's again in my opinion.

But I must admit I do not like him musically anyhow. He is overrated..but has a cult like it makes him bigger then life.

Couse I grew up in the 80's and was more pop then classic rock, so my most recent favorite half time show was Prince in a pouring rain.

(let the beatings begin... Frown)
Last edited by redsox8191
L8 Breaking,

my sons didn't know who the boss they want tickets...

This might be a little unusual, but our family (mom, dad, and two sons age 19 and 21 at the time) all went to a Springsteen concert together about 1-1/2 years ago. That's when I converted from a casual fan, to an avid Springsteen concert lover. About six months later our younger son got General Admission tickets to his return concert, stood in line most of the day to get a wristband that qualified him for a drawing, and was selected in the drawing for the main floor, standing about 5 rows away from The Boss.

On a cold rainy day in 79 or 80 while on a business trip in NJ a friend took me to an Asbury Park watering hole and while having a burger, we and 50 strangers watched Sprinsteen and the band walking through an upcoming show. 2.5 hours later we left not thinking how memorable that "upclose-n-personal" experience would be 30 years later. He was a stickler for detail even back then.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
L8 Breaking,

This might be a little unusual, but our family (mom, dad, and two sons age 19 and 21 at the time) all went to a Springsteen concert together about 1-1/2 years ago. That's when I converted from a casual fan, to an avid Springsteen concert lover. About six months later our younger son got General Admission tickets to his return concert, stood in line most of the day to get a wristband that qualified him for a drawing, and was selected in the drawing for the main floor, standing about 5 rows away from The Boss.


not strange at all....we've done dave matthews band kenney chesney and lots of others in between as a family (boys 10 and 17)!!! it's great that we can share our music with our kids....and i even like when they share their's (our new fave is corey smith) i've always liked the boss, just never a HUGE fan, but after yesterday we are all psyched to see him. i can't wait!! Smile
L8 Breaking,

"i've always liked the boss, just never a HUGE fan, but after yesterday we are all psyched to see him."

Sounds the same as me. I would guess that many of those who have seen him in concert but were casual fans, become much more intense in their appreciation for him, if that makes sense.

I've seen the Boss quite a few times. It doesn't get any better than the Boss & The E-Street Band. He puts on a tremendous show and long shows too. The guy don't quit. Definitely get your money's worth at a Boss concert. Lotsa energy and the crowd totally into it. There's nothing like it. His shows have always been my favorite out of all the rock concerts and shows I've been to.
Last edited by zombywoof
I know there are a lot of Bruce fanatics out there, but am I the only one who noticed that he can't sing anymore. He missed every high note he tried.

Not picking on him, this happens to every singer, it seems, when they hit about 50. Sinatra, Earth, Wind & Fire singer. The music is great but the singing is not.
Originally posted by fillsfan:
I know there are a lot of Bruce fanatics out there, but am I the only one who noticed that he can't sing anymore. He missed every high note he tried.

It's not about the singing. His voice was never mistook for the likes of Sinatra.

He's about more than singing. He's one of the greatest songwriters, storytellers and performers there are. Just go look up some Springsteen music and read the lyrics. ie: Jungleland "There's an opera out on the turnpike, there's a ballet being fought out in the alley"..Just brilliant..

Perhaps being from Springsteen country, there's an appreciation for his music that might be missed not being from the area.
Last edited by zombywoof
I don't know much about Bruce as a person, but the company he keeps seem to be pretty down to earth if my limited knowledge is any indicator. I sang at the wedding ceremony of a friend years ago where there was also a trumpet soloist. After the ceremony I commented to the trumpeter that he played a hell of a trumpet and he said thanks and complimented my on my singing. We talked a bit and he left. At the reception I asked my friend where he found the trumpet player. He told me he knew him from his days hanging out at the bars down the Jersey shore and that it was Mark Pender who plays in the Max Weinberg 7 on the Conan O'Brian show and plays with the E Street Band when they add horns (he played with the band at the Super Bowl last night). He couldn't have been nicer when I met him, and never mentioned who he was.

Also, my son has a friend whose sister dates Max Weinberg's son. She says they are a great family and treat her wonderfully. I've also read that Springsteen does a great deal of charity work, much of it unsung and directed to small community groups that does not always result in the kind of publicity sought by many other artists.

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