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I was blasted in the cage last night right in the shin(sitting to close to the "L" screen). Talk about your injuries from practice and how you got them(Coaches and Parents). I know there are some good stories. Eek
I'd walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to play Baseball-Pete Rose
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Taking one off the shin in BP sounds familiar. Last year I was throwing BP without a screen to my son. I see bat hit ball, then in an instant feel ball hit shin. Not getting the hint, I decide to throw a few more, but gave up after he put one about an inch from my head at similar velocity. Now I throw behind a screen and make him hit with a wood bat.
Same situation as Hunter, last season throwing to my son in our cage. One in a million shot, screaming liner back at me that just missed the screen by an inch. Caught me in the humerous, not in the bicep or tricep, right on the bony part between the two. The internal bleeding was so bad I was dark purple from my shoulder to my elbow for weeks. X-rays were negative, the pain was positive. Not to mention having to tell the story of "what the h*ell happened to me???" about 400 times.
OK, top this one:

One nice Sunday afternoon when my son was eleven, I took him to the schoolyard to do some batting practice. We had a young dog, a 15 pound Bijon Frise about a year old, and we took him with us to let him run around while we practiced.

The dog was having a great time, chasing all over the place. At one point he as a couple feet from me, and my son hits a hard shot that catches the dog squarely in the eye. It hit him so squarely that the ball just dropped dead. I heard a sickening crunch, and the poor guy started crying like you can't beleive.

We rushed him to the closest vet (which took some doing finding one open on a Sunday. Had to stop a cop and ask him if hew knew of any.)

The eye swelled up like a baloon, and his eye socket was completely black and blue. There wasn't a lot we could do for him other than to give him some pain killers.

It took several weeks for the bruising to settle, and the eye is gone. So now he is our one-eyed dog. He gets along just fine.

But since I was the first one to hold him when it happened, I know he thinks somewhere in the back of his doggy mind that I hit him.

He still steers a wide berth from me.
Not enough bandwidth to type all of my injuries. In brief and while throwing BP, I've suffered a line drive to the
  • face which damaged my eyesight,
  • had my hand broken,
  • had 2 ribs broken
  • been hit in the head by a ball that ricocheted off of a cage post,
  • but the ultimate was when I was hit in the shoulder area breaking the Acromion (which the Doctor said couldn't be broken), my clavicle in 2 places, and a portion of my shoulder blade. I was wrapped up for a few months on that one.

I love throwing BP and try to view the hitter's swing. I do so with 4 pitches and we work on hitting strategies. I try to focus on parts of their swing and thus, I don't always get out of the way. OOPS!
Last edited by CoachB25
USSSA Championship game last year third pitch of the game there was a foul ball between me (catcher) and first baseman.. It was closer to me so I called it, but obviously the first basemen didnt hear it. Needless to say he ran right into my nose, broke it, and blood was everywhere. We wiped it up and I finished the game.. As a catcher I've been hit in the throat, right shoulder directly off a foul tip, the cup, and any imaginable place on my body. I still love it though for some reason..
We play on an Adult Baseball League and we were beating this team pretty well and I just hit a 3 Run Double in the 7th Inning. That stretched the lead to 8 runs. The entire game the opposing pitcher was walking around with his chest out and thinking he was high and mighty, well when I got to 2B I gave him a lil grin, as to say (take that)...Well top of 9th the score is 14-5 and he throws the first two at my grill, the third one I just couldnt get out the way. My arm is green blue and black from shoulder to elbow...I guess I better just take my nice hit and keep it to myself..HA HA ...

3-5 (2DBL's, 4 RBI's, and 3 Runs Scored) in that game, btw!

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