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A rising sophomore on my daughter's HS softball team passed away yesterday afternoon when she was removed from life support so her organs could be harvested.

She was involved in an automobile accident Thursday afternoon and was aparently the only person in her car unrestrained. Her car was rear ended by a driver not paying attention, in broad daylight, with no alcohol, drugs or other influences. The other two kids in her car (including the driver) where restrained and walked away with nothing but emotional scars (thank God).

I had the plesure of driving this young lady in a car pool in Jr High, High school and club ball. I know her parents very well. I will not even try to describe the emotions they are experiencing, as I can't imagine the words to describe them.

This young lady was our leadoff hitter and CF as a freshman. Despite her obvious future in softball, she was a great student, a wonderful teammate and a person with a great heart.

Well, last evening that great heart was transplanted into someone else.

Nothing good can come of this other than providing a warning for EVERYONE to buckle up and STAY buckled up. If you're driving, take responsibility for ensuring everyone in your car is secured. You never want to live with guilt like this. If you or anyone in your car has to unbuckle for any reason, only do so when you've pulled over, in a parking lot or other safe area.

You just never know what the other driver is going to do and it only takes a second for something horrible to happen...
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So sad for this family. Prayers being sent for them.

Just a reminder to parents and future parents alike: ALWAYS make sure your children are bucked up when they are little. It becomes a habit for them when they are older.

Years ago when my 20 year old son was 3 and I was driving a carpool with 1st and 2nd graders one little boy decided one day he wasn't going to buckle up on the way home from school. Even when I told him to do so he would not buckle up. That is, until I pulled off the road, turned the engine off and waited until he complied. We moved away from that town later and I've often wondered what became of that headstrong little boy.
Recently I had the occasion to drive an acquaintance, who is a grown woman, home. I politely asked her to buckle her seatbelt before I left the driveway. She did, and then told me that earlier this summer she got a $25.00 ticket for not being buckled up. She said it was uncomfortable for her to have a seat belt on, so she still doesn't buckle unless she is told to. Me? I'm too cheap to want to risk another $25.00 ticket..... not to mention the reason for seatbelts. I put my seat belt if I'm just moving my car from one end of the driveway to the other. I hear the jingle in my head every time I get in a car.

I am very sad for the softball player, her family, friends, and teammates. May she rest in peace.
Last edited by play baseball
There's no reason in the world not to wear a seatbelt. Once you get in the habit of wearing it, you never know it's on. In today's world, it should be automatic when you get into a car, not an option like it was years ago. All of us have seen too many examples of the failure to wearing seatbelts. What a tragedy it is when young lives like this young girl get snuffed out and doing something simple like buckling up could've prevented the end result.

Very sad.
Last edited by zombywoof
I don't know what the fine is in these parts for not wearing your seatbelt, but they don't write tickets for less than three digits around here, yet people still refuse to wear them.

It IS a horrible situation. You search for some reason and just can't find one.

Hopefully, many others will read this thread and avoid the same tradegedy by buckling up. Hopefully those who receive her organs live to do something great.

Otherwise the death of a 15 year old girl over something so stupid just eats you up inside.
We had a terrible accident in our community this weekend. 5 teenagers (18-19) were involved in a car accident. 2 were killed and 3 walked away. Not sure if who was or was not wearing seatbelts and i agree that everyone should be, it is just so hard to understand how 2 young men are now gone and three walked away. From the police reports there was certainly high speed involved and they were coming from a party where there may have been drinking.

The loss of life is tragic but there will be moslty likely additional consequences for the drvier of the car and the people that held the party.

Our community has been rcoked, all five of these kids went to the same high school. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to talk to our kids again about wearing seatbelts, staying within the speed limit, never drink and drive or ride with someone that has been drinking.

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