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IMO it may be time for him Selig to step up and sadly declare that Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Giambi, Canceco, Mark Mcqwire, Palmiero, and anyone else that has been declared a user banned for life and all records banished in the best interest of baseball.

Now what is everyone elses opinions??????????
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I do not agree.

Bud and the players need to step up and declare a period of time where ALL records broken will remain forever in question.

Resorting to null and void doesn't work for me, as many of this occured before it was banned and everyone knew it was happening anyway, and Selig appears just as guilty, IMO

Oh wait, that might mean we might have to strike him from the record books as well. Eek
I could live with that but the problem is the whole system's broke. There are high school coaches, college coaches, scouts, and others involved in BB that deserve to be fired just as much. What I want to know is what is MLB going to do to change the culture that exists that has caused so many players to believe that's what they need to do to succeed or even make it to the next level.
fry 'em along with the 95% of all pro players who at least one time of their careers (college, minors, mlb) stepped outside the box and took SOMETHING illegal. Roll Eyes

The media is a great source for identification of issues but then they start competing for angles and out sensationalizing the next guy and before long that great "scoop" becomes a fictional story co-written by all.
Last edited by rz1
WOW. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty". Guess we don't need that anymore. America is probably ready for a Gitmo facility for all baseball players named in the Mitchell Report. All others get off scott free. They would be tortured by having to watch videos of themselves playing baseball BEFORE they ever took steriods, HGH, etc without a perscription.

A look at the list of players in the first post in this thread is revealing. As they are all lumped together and indicted equally it might help to seperate this out. A usual on this site I am probably wasting my time once again but you can stop reading anytime you want.

Clemens adamantly says he never took anything of the sort but he has yet to be put under oath until today. Barry Bonds adamantly says he never took anything of the sort and he said that under oath and has been charged with perjury and false swearing. Mark McGwire will not deny never taking anything and does not want to talk about the past. Sammy Sosa got caught using a corked bat in real games, never got caught in any drug test but never has admitted to anything [or denied it under oath that I know of]. Giambi and Canseco both freely admtted using the stuff. Palmiero denied it under oath and then failed a MLB drug test. Andy Petite is not mentioned but he has admitted using once or maybe [according to ESPN this morning] more than once.

Is there a steriod era that should be treated differently? Of course. Should those records be scrutinized by Hall of Fame voters? Of course. Should everyone be painted with the same broad brush? I think not. The guys that remained clean throughout their career with all the pressure from owners, GM's, trainers, strength & conditioning coaches, fellow players and even relatives [apparently Andy Petite got some HGH from his father] should not be villified; they should be praised for their courage. Those are the true Hall of Famers for this era. Thats just my opinion, of course.

What about the guys from the 70's and the 80's?

We knew about steroids in HS and I knew kids that took them and I graduated in '83. I would think that pro athletes knew about them too. Just ask the Steelers or any body builders.

They were taking greenies to improve their performance so what moral/ethical reason would they have passed on steroids?

If you take away records are you going to add numbers to the guys that didn't take them? I would think that ERA's would be less at the very least. If you could prove anything.

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