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THEY are dubbed the "Kings of the Forest" and are regarded by Norwegians as their national symbol.

Now, though, scientists have calculated that because of their increased burping and farting, the placid moose is an eco-killer.

During a single year, according to the latest research, a full-grown moose expels -- from both ends of its body -- the methane equivalent of 2100kg of carbon dioxide emissions...

I too, feel threatened.

Last edited by infidel_08
Let's hope Bullwinkle has plenty of firewood and moose burgers in the freezer. The weather out there is frightening.

Board, let us keep the great state of California, Washington and other Western states in our prayers for the next few days. It is truly getting like the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow" across our nation. This weather is the worst ever!!! Ten feet of snow in the Sierra Nevadas is too much. We really need to pray because the problem will only compound as all this frozen precipitation melts. Oh my....not to mention the power loss of over a million households. Word Up! peace shep
We clocked 69MPH winds today. Considering how brutal the winds and rain were today, I have been surprised by the lack of really devestaging damage.
However, when it hits socal and the fire areas - could be trouble---lots of us had trees and fences down, raising water levels in our creeks and waterways...but we will hold our breath about the mud slides...thoughts and prayers to all who are affected.
Yes, we sure did have some wild weather yesterday. I was up at our duck hunting property, and during the night could tell it was gonna be wild out there, as we had big limbs snapping off of the eucalyptus trees behind our clubhouse during the night. Also, a tranformer blew up on the power line, so no lights or water, thankfully the gas heaters and stove are "old" technology so we had heat and could cook.

We went out onto the marsh at dawn, and I was barely able to control my boat with three of us and my dog, it was so windy! I almost turned around as it was borderline unsafe to be boating out there in those conditions. There were trees blown over, and some other mature trees had the tops snapped off. We got to our duck blind and settled in, and I kept wondering how windy it was. I could see rain blowing horizontally, and the wind was blowing the tops of the whitecaps right off of the water. Needless to say, it was one of the windiest days I've spent outside in nearly 40 years of duck hunting. We finally headed back to the boat dock and house about 11:30. It was so much easier going back with the wind on my stern!

We thought that it was probably blowing in the 50s's, but were surprised to hear that gusts hit 69 mph. It's still snowing about an hour east of my home, and the closest ski resort reported over 4 feet of new snow just yesterday, with another 4-6 feet expected by Tuesday.

Gotta run now, I have to go out in my backyard to clean up all the broken glass from a table that blew over. I'd rather be duck hunting.........

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