Here's the problem with cage hitting....
You hit a few bad ones, then a few good ones....Your confidence goes up and you leave....Your game hitting doesn't improve.....You go back to the cage....Sound familiar?
How your motor control system functions is what determines how good, or how bad, your swing will be.....In most amateur players (almost all), their motor control system doesn't function efficiently when swinging a bat....It does what comes easy to it.....And, easy in this case, isn't efficient.....
So, the player needs to change how his motor control system functions when swinging a bat....This isn't accomplished by repetition from swinging a bat in the cage, unless the player gets feedback in how to improve his body movement swing efficiency.....
Swinging a bat, repetitions for the sake of practice, can in some cases, make you somewhat better simply because of familiarity.....However, there is a flip side which is the reinforcement of inefficient body movement....You will eventually reach a level where you won't be able to catch up to the better pitching.....
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