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06RHP86 -
Congratulations, you're the first to report a call under the new recruiting guidelines! clap

I was not able to find the specific answer to your question. However, I want to remind you that there is NO restriction on you calling coaches. So if you miss a call for whatever reason, call them back!!! Let them know you appreciate the call and talk about your interest in their program. As a junior, this is just the very start of a long recruiting process. Enjoy it! Smile
Last edited by RHP05Parent
According to the NCAA rules, if a coach calls nd has a conversation with a parent that counts as that week's (or in this case that month's phone call).

If the coach gets off the phone quickly, he can call back and speak to the player.

That is why many coaches will cut a parent short when they get on the phone. If not then the coach will not be able to speak to the son. So parents, don't get too upset if coaches are quick with you, as they want t call back and speak to the player - not the parents.
The call, regardless of the length, counts as a call that the coach made.
However the player can call back if he wishes.
The coach wants to make the call short because at this point in time, until July 1, he does not want to speak to parents who might keep him on the phone forever! Remember they are in their season now, and time is limited.
Call the coach and apologize for missing his call, leave a voicemail, he may not call you back that week,(despite the rule, many will call again).
Good luck.
Last edited by TPM

Usually, calls are a sign of real interest that you are at or neat the top of that particular school's list. A letter only is nice and may or may not mean something. But, keep in mind, lots of letters go out. If I got a letter, but no call, I would call the coach on my own and do some selling along with an assesment of the situation.

Trust me, all the coaches know of the rule change.
The Perfect Game web site had a nice article on these calls, how some schools were in favor and others were not. My son got three calls on the 1st and one on the 2nd. He was thrilled with 2, and surprised with the other 2 (small schools). He was also a little disappointed even though he won't say and/or show it that he has not gotten calls from 2 schools that have sent him over 30 letters since September.
My son also got several calls. Not from the schools we expected. If a coach is willing to take 5 minutes and call, it will sure make it an easier decision about where to travel to see baseball games this spring. From where we live its usually a plane ticket/rental car/hotel trip to see the best baseball. So if I'm going to invest $1000 to travel, it's nice to see the coach willing to spend 5 minutes. I like this new rule, it may help you figure out who is serious and who is not before the parents spend more money on baseball trips. I know schools are in season, but so are we.
Parents, this is but the first, very small step. MUCH will change before now and the end of the summer. There is SUCH a LONG way to go. Do not get overly encouraged, distracted or feel to comfortable by the calls AND do NOT get discouraged by a lack of call(s). Much will depend on how your son performs this HS season and summer. Keep moving forward and getting him to the places he needs to be in order to be seen by those you want to see him.

In other words, stay the course, stick with the plan. A lot of ground left to cover.

You are so right ... great message. My wife can hardly stand it. The funny thing is that the one person in the house that is the most level headed about the whole thing is my son.

He had been to a few showcases and camps in the fall and winter. As the HS season approached, he was invited to participate in a HR derby where some of the top players in our area would be participating.

I thought it'd be good for him to go since it wouldn't conflict with any HS event, but he choose not to. He said he really wanted to just focus on one purpose this time of year, and that was getting prepared to pitch and hit well for his HS team. He also wanted to make sure his HS coaches and teammates knew he's playing for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back, and thought doing that type of individual event so close to the HS season would leave the wrong perception.

At the end of the day, he just wants to play the game. He understands the importance of this year, but I'm sure we stress out about it a lot more than he does. While us parents are thinking about colleges, phone calls, etc., he's just thinking about throwing strikes and getting hits. So I just tell my wife ... he knows what he needs to do better than any of us, we need to just support him, cheer him, feed him, etc., so he can focus on what he loves to do best ... and keep our 'stress' to ourselves.

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