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My son has mentioned this to me in the past.  I believe that it is a data collection system used by college baseball teams that provides very detailed analytics similar to what you might see on line for MLB games.  For example, he said that hitters used it to try to detect patterns in what a pitcher throws (e.g. if a lefty is leading off he starts him with a curve).  Pitchers can tell if a hitter tends to swing at the first pitch, etc.  He said that its an opt in model...if a team agrees to share their data then they get access to all other teams data.  He is a mid major D1 player, I have no idea how widespread it is.


I text son for you, here is his response regarding pitching.

"Good morning. Synergy is the best. Biggest thing we will use for videos in scouting HS players college opponent scouting report and to evaluate our guys because it records every single pitch in games and our practice scrimmages".

"Think of synergy like a video library. You can look at a camera view(normally the TV view behind the pitcher) of any game, any situation, any pitch and has been uploaded to the system. This Include perfect game event etc."

Last edited by TPM

He added as an example...

"So you can go back to 2020 FAU vs UF 7th inning 2-2 count pitcher vs the hitter and look at the entire at bat or one single pitch."

Hope this helps in understanding how it works.

I read 92% of D1 programs use Synergy.

It's 10k a year video library. It can be used for a variety of things. He especially says it's a great tool for sitting with a pitcher and showing his stuff from last year vs this year, a great learning tool. I am sure it works the same for hitters.

Last edited by TPM
@PTWood posted:

It's been in use in basketball for a while and it goes all the way back to HS. Our middle daughter works for an NBA team and they got a kick out of going back and looking at our son's HD games. 😂

Yes, has been in basketball first I believe but I went with the baseball angle.

Last edited by TPM

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