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Of course there's still time to be recruited, if you are a good player who gets seen this spring -- or even summer. Make sure to contact the coaches of schools you are interested in and let them know your playing schedule.

A 3.0 GPA equates to an 85 average. Yours is probably more like a 2.8 or 2.9. Your best bet might be to target junior colleges or schools with fairly low admissions standards.

Best wishes!
Originally posted by TRhit:
I would suggest that since you are late in the process and need to contact coaches I would change your handle to be a bit more humble.

I can tell you that coaches read a lot into the email/PM handles and at the present time you need to do a real selling job

TooCool, TR is giving you great advice; I would be turned off before I read you information....

But it is not too late, but you will need to understand where the D1 schools are coming from, they have most likely found their top players they are looking for and may only be looking to fill in as needed for players at this time who chance schools, not make grades or SAT's, get drafted and sign, have other problems which keep them off the team.

Looking at the JC route is an option that you should not over look and should pursue as heavy as a 4 year school.

Also proper use of capitalization and sentence structure will be helpful....

Good Luck!

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