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KMom - My son can actually cook some basic stuff - spaghetti, sausage and eggs, etc. I actually learned when I sent him off to college this fall that he was more prepared than many to live on his own. He knew how to do laundry as well, which apparently he doesn't enjoy doing as demonstrated by the mounds he's brought home the couple of times he came home.

He has an older roommate who is also a pretty decent cook from what I understand. However, with their schedules, they don't have a lot of time to even eat, so fast food or mac and cheese end up be the fare most times.
My sons, 17 and 19, can both cook frozen pizzas and Velveeta Shells & Cheese - that's about it. They really like Mom to go and make them a sandwich or even an ice cream sundae. I guess I haven't done a very good job in that area yet, but I am confident that if left to their own devices, they would learn to read package directions or even a cookbook, and figure out how to keep themselves alive. Their dad cooks excellent pancakes, bacon & eggs, pork chops, spaghetti, etc. Smile
...Comes home for the first time for Thanksgiving...first night...makes grocery list...spends two hours on fresh garlic, pure virgin imported olive oil, napa chardonnay simmered, lightly breaded, tiger shrimp Scampi over a bed of fresh angel hair pasta and a tossed greeen salad with crumpled blue cheese dressing...Culinary Perfection!...Mrs 44 and I decided that night that this silly college experiment was over and a large left hand hitting live in Chef was much night...frozen Pizza and tater tots...back to school with our close yet so far...

Cool 44
Based upon the older son's college experience, my younger is preparing to go off to college next fall. The baseball team will live in apartments and no meal tickets.

He has started collecting kitchen paraphernalia and appliances. Also, collecting recipes from the Food Channels show 30 minute meals.

Don't get me wrong, he can scavenge with the best of them. But, he is capable of making anything. Based upon our home experience I hope his room mate likes to clean all the dirty dishes!
My son has asked me to help him learn to make some of his favorites. There is a cookbook out that gives ideas for preparing top ramen. He prefers it fried. I bought a grilled cheese sandwich maker. He has a girlfriend going off to school also and her idea of grilled cheese sandwiches is throwing two pieces of bread and cheese into the microwave. I haven't tried one but my daughter says George Formans are great. He could also live on cereal.
About two weeks ago, I got "the call." My 18 year old son, in colllege 600 miles away from home, and not what you'd call handy around the kitchen, called to ask, "Mom, how do you make that good pasta with the creamy sauce and chicken and broccoli but without the chicken? I was so SHOCKED, perhaps it was really his stunt double calling...He wanted to make it for his girlfriend, a vegetarian, in her apartment.

Ok. So I describe what he needs to buy, and what he needs to do, and yes, it was a deja vu moment, I could hear MYSELF (in college, 450 miles away from home) asking MY MOTHER How much? What do you mean, some What is a handful? HOW MUCH!!?? Exactly what he asked me, and sounded just as aggravated as I was back then...And of course, he periodically interrupted MY BUSY schedule, on a Sunday afternoon, for guidance and just general hand-holding...

The fettucine alfredo con broccoli cost him $47.00 to make--he needed to buy EVERYTHING. (The girlfriend did not have any supplies on hand, obviously not a cook).. But it was a success--she had two helpings!! My son reported that her roommates "were really impressed" with him...

So I guess if the baseball thing doesn't work out, he could get a job at "Olive Garden"...and perhaps not to bus tables...!

We just started a couple of months ago having our 15 yr old son(baseball) and 13 yr old daughter(softball) alternate cooking for the family on Wed each week(turned out to be the night we're around the most) and its been great. They pick the meal, cook and then clean up and have been excited about it each week so far. Give it a try!
My son has always been a cook. He never cleans up the mess.... He cooked for his GF this past weekend(valentines dinner) a full course meal. BBQ chicken (baked in oven)over rice, mixed veggies, salad and made butterfinger candy brownies. Smile Plus he had candles, roses and rose petals all over his apartment!!! eyelove He also got her a gift from that store VS Confused

Heard from roomie that all the guys were mad b/c his GF told all their GF's what he did Wink

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