…Oh, people will return! They'll return to the HSBBW for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll once again turn up on these threads not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive back at the HSBBW longing for the past, and the innocence and purity of the game. Of course, we won't mind if you lurk again, we’ll say. But please, a small willing donation. And despite the gloomy economy, they'll donate willingly without even thinking about it…for disposable income they may lack...it’s peace they are desperate for. And they'll wander back out to the threads; and use the site to remember what it was like to stand in uniform shirtsleeves...or sit at a game on a perfect afternoon in the sun and watch their own young man at play. They'll find they still have a member name and a buddy somewhere in one of the threads where they once chatted and cheered their young heroes and those of others. And they'll watch the threads, and then re-engage, share, educate and encourage...and they’ll see it all play out for another player and their family and it'll be as if they dipped themselves back into in magic waters. The memories and emotions will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. Oh, people will return. The one constant through all the years has been baseball and the HSBBW. America has been "rolled" by an army of greedy financial speculators. It has been inflated, popped like a bubble, inflated and popped again. It has been duped, foreclosed, global warmed, Tea partied, collective bargained, twittered, outsourced, robbed, stratified and stripped. But baseball has marked the time. This HSBBW, this game: it's a part of our past and our future. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will return...people will most definitely return...