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Here's just one more reason to love baseball. In watching my son's basketball team this winter, my wife and I have been truly horrified at what passes for ability in the minds of the players and, sadly, some coaches. Basketball is the perfect game for posers and showboaters, and my son's team has about five of them. One kid is a very gifted athlete but he tries to do so many unnecessary maneuvers trying to look flashy that he fails most of the time! Because he LOOKS good, however, he continues with his antics! He'd be a great player if he'd just stick with the game and take the ball to the hoop! Then there are those kids who've grown earlier/faster than the others and because of their new-found height think they are suddenly blessed with supernatural basketball skills. These guys strut around 5-6" above everyone else then get on the court and blow play after play - yet they continue to strut and make no progress because they are blind to what's really happening! If you can showboat and/or are taller than the other kids, you are a hoop god in your own mind, apparently. Meanwhile, the team has not won a single game. Do these guys seem to care? No! They can't wait to get back out there and try their next doomed-to-fail 360' lay-ups and to heck with losing!
Now in BASEBALL, you can't hide. Shortstops do not scoop up a grounder, flip it up behind their back, then throw to first from between their legs. Batters do not do 360's during their swing (well, maybe the T-ballers!). If you don't HAVE it in baseball, you cannot hide and you cannot continue to pose and pretend for long. I will cringe my way through the rest of basketball season only because the charade will soon be obliterated behind the purity of the season's opening pitch.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
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Krakatoa, Agree with you about the difference between the two sports(I refuse to attend or support our HS basketball program because of the showboat,"all about me" attitude that is allowed to go on. However, I see it starting to creep in to baseball programs-namely SW Missouri State and Long Beach State just to name a few. Coaches with B**** could put an end to it if they wanted but I think they are afraid to make waves in this politically correct
world we are now living. We need to be more vocal about our likes and preferences with our pocketbooks and wallets. As long as these actions are rewarded at the ticket booth it will continue. It needs to start at home. I'll guarantee one thing--it won't go on in this household! Thanks for letting me vent--I feel better.

Nor in my household!! And when I draft my spring baseball team next month, NOT ONE of those guys will play for me - don't care how good they are. I always try and draft a combination of skill and character, with both attributes being equal. We've done well with this, too, having finished either 1st or 2nd in our division over the last four years. Good Kids = Good Team.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
Our high school basketball coach puts a major emphasis on 'team'..

He doesn't adhere to anyone's rules but his own. You don't run the play. You come out. A guy gets around you at post. He has someone who can take your place.

We get the lead. He lets the rest of the guys play.

Our coach was quoted in the paper, "this is an unselfish group of boys" -the coach has had the seniors for 3 years..since JV and then Varsity the last 2 years.

Still...a fan in the stands thinks his cousin isn't getting enough playing time..yells at the coach last night..from the bleachers...makes some very uncalled for remarks...which is all about thinking it's all about that boy...sad.

Coach gives the player a one game suspension

...not the kids fault

...but puts the responsibility on the boy to talk to his relative.

I respect a coach who expects the same from ALL players...and so far this group is 3-0 in district ....and it comes from working together...

they practice hard...and play or lose they give it their all as a team...which is what it's really all about...

I don't want to get started... anyway, here in the Bluegrass state basketball is the Holy Grail. In my region of the state that is mostly what parents push their kids to do. And yep, they think they'll be on the Wildcat's squad in the future. Don't get me wrong, it's something to shoot for, but they pump it into the kid's minds that there isn't another player that can touch them. About 75% of the parents are like this here. I've seen it time and time again. And that kid will show it on the court. It's really pathetic. The biggest complaint I have here in this region (Southeast) is that coaches only go for endurance and almost no strength training. I watched a game over the weekend between Lexington Catholic and Mason County. These boys looked like Hulk Hogan to some of ours. NO JOKE! I don't just get it.

My son played basketball and they coaches told him that before long he's be playing for UofK. And thankfully, he has a sense of reality to him. He knows that 9 out of 10 recruits are from out of the state and the one or two from this state usually sit on the bench throughout their college career.

We live in the Southeast region of Kentucky and it is a known fact that close to 80% of HS students who play baseball get scholorships from colleges to play baseball. And about 35% of them go to D1 colleges. One of our high school's alum even got a scholorship to play for Arizona State.

Sorry about the long vent session.
We do people like to pick on other sports, like basketball and s$)*#$#. I love baseball just I love all sports, but baseball players are no different then other athletes when it comes to attitude and showboating.

My girlfriend is an audio engineer for ESPN and she covers all 4 of the major sports...and she has told me that the sport with the most stuck up, snotty, obnoxious, "my-****-doesn't-stink" attitudes are professional baseball players.

GO NAVY!!!BEAT army!!!!!
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Oh, please, Hot.

No one could possibly be as bad as the goofs in pro football.

Just once, I would like to see a "result" of a "dance" they did after one of Butkus' tackles! Would likely be "break-dancing" and it wouldn't be pretty. More like the "last dance" instead of a "flash dance".

I would like to see someone with "" dance on a receivers nose after each play when a receiver doesn't catch a ball.

...Too much to ask, I suppose.

Play the game and be grateful you have the God-given skills to get paid for playing the game. Heaven only knows what many of them would do without pro football.
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