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In about the last month we have had several posts that are or have become very confrontational by two groups - coaches and parents.

I think the problem is that ...

... we have SOME people on the parents side want to label MOST coaches as bad, terrible, inept, political etc....


... we have coaches who are saying that parents and players make excuses for failing or not getting picked for the team.

The crazy thing is both sides are right and both sides are wrong.

We have terrible coaches who do play politics and don't know the difference between a double play from a double cut. But it doesn't mean all coaches are like this.

We have terrible parents who will say coach is terrible without all the facts or think because their son got cut is because he favors other kids because of

We have great coaches (some are in here) who work hard and learn the game. Who do everything in their power to make the guys better players, students and people.

We have great parents (some are in here) who work the booster club and work in the concession stand. Who tell their kid to suck it up and learn a lesson when things don't go their way or back the coach up when the armchairs get started.

We have coaches who yell and scream and their players hate them. We have coaches who yell and scream and their players love them.

We have coaches who are calm and stoic and win hundreds of games. We have coaches who are calm and stoic and they can't win any games.

We have parents who are very active in their children's life and they kids are great. We have parents who are very active in their children's life and they are the biggest POS ever.

We have parents who don't have a clue what's going on in their kid's lives and they are great. We have parents who don't have a clue what's going on in their kid's lives and they are the biggest POS ever.

If parents and coaches cannot get along then the team is more than likely going to fail. And it is both groups fault. Sometimes one group is bad and there might be no fixing it while the other group is great and those team are more likely going to fail.

We have three groups that HAVE to coexist - parents, players and kids - in order to have a chance at success. The bad part is the one group is caught in the middle when the other two can't get along. Players love their parents and will do what they tell them. Players love their coaches and will do what they tell them. If both groups are good then everything is peachy but if one group is bad then the players are now stuck in the middle - which side do they listen to? If they side with the parents then they don't play OR if they side with the coach then the player starts feeling bad because they aren't listening to their parents.

I feel that MOST coaches are good and approachable.
I feel that MOST parents are good and approachable.

Those two groups HAVE to stand up and work together to make sure the idiots (coaches and parents) don't ruin everything.

I love this site and have learned a lot from it but it's like life - if you don't want to hear something you better not ask it. And if you do ask it you better have some thick skin because you may not like it.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Good post.
Hey I stand up for the coach 95% of the time. I am just one of those bad parents who never took my kid's side against, coaches, teachers, etc. But that's me.
BTW, some of us moms didn't like the post where the coach posted the moms email. It's not easy being a coach and it's not easy being a mom. Big Grin

I have been posting here for many years and only recently have I ever read so many complaints about parents complaining about coaches and parents complaining about other parents. Very rarely do any of our true HS coaches complain about another HS coach, I have noticed that. Respect. This stuff is just crazy . I find it also VERY interesting that most OT's here who have kids that play past the HS game (college or pro) never complained about their past players coaches or incidences that occured until these discussions came up. Experience. I also notice that many who have talented kids here going to top college programs, never complain about anything. Confidance. And it appears that many of these complaints are from parents of younger players. Anxiety.

Relax folks, it's a loooooong journey.

Last edited by TPM
I have been posting here for many years and only recently have I ever read so many complaints about parents complaining about coaches and parents complaining about other parents. Very rarely do any of our true HS coaches complain about another HS coach, I have noticed that. Respect. This stuff is just . I find it also VERY interesting that most OT's here who have kids that play past the HS game (college or pro) never complained about their past players coaches or incidences that occured until these discussions came up. Experience. I also notice that many who have talented kids here going to top college programs, never complain about anything. Confidance. And it appears that many of these complaints are from parents of younger players. Anxiety.

Very good analysis. I'm never going to criticize another coach directly because I know exactly how tough they have it. I may think they are not the best or brightest but they still have my respect.

I will criticize coaches in general because some of them are bad. Plus we shouldn't be immune from criticism.

I had a game last year where I didn't communicate something to a player clearly from the third base box and ended a rally. Thankfully we ended up winning the game. But my mistake made the batter look like he missed a squeeze sign. I tried to make it pretty obvious it was my fault because I didn't want people to think the kid failed and well it was my fault.

I went back to the dugout and his dad was standing there smiling. I walked over to him and said "I messed (used the F bomb honestly) up." He laughed and said "yes you did - now learn from it".

I already respected him but my respect for him went through the roof. He could have very easily thrashed me for making his kid look bad or making a dumb call but he just used to some humor to apprise the situation. I have no problem with that.
Yes, I feel sad that we have had such heated discussions lately! I sometimes end up feeling torn between people I care about on both sides of a controversial issue.

My suggestion:

Read this and count your blessings:

Or read this and forget your worries:

Peace and love, everyone.


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