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As parents of an incoming college freshman, we found the current episode very informative.

The Cape Cod League is a year or 2 away goal for our son,

however the introduction to life in a top college summer league is something we think parents will learn a lot from.

 Highly recommend it.

CatcherDad 2015

Last edited by Catcherdad
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Originally Posted by SluggerDad:

After the Cape Cod leagues what other collegiate summer leagues form the top of the heap?  Is the Cape Cod league in a class by itself? 

If number of current professional players is considered an adequate measure of a league's quality, I think the Cape League is in a class all its own. Its website indicates that in 2013, it had over 1,000 alumni performing at all levels of professional baseball; 255 of whom were on major league rosters. That would compare to 131 alumni of the very fine Northwoods League currently on major league rosters.

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