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The report came back positive, Micro trauma of the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus of the rotator cuff which allows movement of the humeral head in the glenoid. To compound the matter, the cartilage in the shoulder socket is degenerating from repetitive overhand motion (throwing).. The prognosis is not good. The baseball career may be over. It all started a month or so ago with a twinge in the shoulder and advanced to a more severe pain. The MRI was done last week and the results came back today. I didn’t want to tell anyone...It’s hard to take. I asked the doctor about baseball and he said it was probably the end of the game. They did a cortisone injection into the shoulder and said they would start nonoperative treatment (therapy) three days a week for a month and if nothing improved they would do exploratory surgery in the spring. I had flashbacks of when I was young and how I felt when I stepped on the mound...The solid feeling of a good swing meeting the ball... The thrill of victory...
How is my son taking the news? He’s fine. He knows I’m an old man and he knew my shoulder was bothering me but he has his own challenges now... I hope he can pick up where I left off... If only my shoulder had held out a few more years...No telling... Confused
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Who are you kidding? Many of us know that your pitching career was over at age 10. The more important questions are these:

1) How will this injury effect your ability to sling a rattletrap .... will you be forced to become a "flipper and jigger" only?
2) Will Mrs Fungo still be able to count on you to use the broom in and overhand motion to get those cobwebs "way up high"
3) Does this mean that you will be relegated to only screaming "War Eagle" and not be able to accentuate the cry with a robust "over the head" fist pump?

More questions to follow ... I am a bit in shock and saddened deeply by your unfortunate news.
Last edited by hsbbweb had me there for a minute, I was sure you were talking about your son, and I was feeling very bad for the both of you.

As for the shoulder...been there, done that...except I'm a frumpy, dumpy, middle aged tomboy...mine went out a few years ago when my son was still in LL....the cortisone shot worked pretty well to kill the pain, but my career at shortstop was over. didn't end my career as head ball shagger, but now I have to walk the balls in from the outfield because the arm just ain't what it used to be.

If it helps any I have had both shoulders done a few years back and now I cannot even play slo-pitch softball

On top of that, after the surgery I found out that the legs didn't work anymore==lost that key element of speed---now I hit and use a substitute runner, a 20 year old with wheels

But the good side is that with all this my AARP card gets me discounts in theatres, restaurants, LensCrafters and motels

My Doc told me it isall part of an old misused and abused body breaking down

Misery loves Company pal !!!!! Wanna go Bass Fishing?????
Last edited by TRhit
Fungo ...

Well, I along with most others, are glad your son is fine and know that you will be fine as well. My son's biggest fan, his maternal grandma, had full rotator cuff repair at the ripe old age of 70 ... and our son has been just fine since then.

Follow the doctor's orders and don't overdo ... sounds like you will need to learn to eat ice cream with your left hand in the future.
Sorry I led everyone on..that was mean on my part...that was not my original intent but as I re-read my post I realized I hadn't said it was me...So... I went back, doctored it up, and just let it play out...must of been the pain killers that made me do it. Two things I will be able to continue...I will make sure I can fish and my wife and son will make sure I can sign checks. Big Grin
If I'd known how old I was going to be I'd have taken better care of myself

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