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It's normal to have soreness in such a case. How sore and how long are the questions. I know your not looking here for a diagnosis, but unless your kid gets examined your not going to know for sure. Your kid should definitely see the trainer, and if you're still having unanswered questions go see a doc. If he's only been sore a couple of days, I wouldn't worry much, but common sense dictates that the kid needs to go easy. Catchers need to condition their legs differently than SSs. Sounds like that may not have happened? Bottom line is respect pain.
Last edited by spizzlepop
Hi, EStone. In addition to what spizzlepop says, my guess is the new experience of everyday practice is taking its toll. 2B fell asleep on the way home for the first week. Smile It has to be an especially tough adjustment for a catcher. The hot & cold pools at GHFC might help.

I don't think our JV team is playing you guys at all, which is a bummer. I hope #9 recovers and has a great season!

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