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5th Annual Catcher Agility Drills with Kevin Schnall

As most people are aware, my son is a catcher and when seeking out the best Catching Instructor I was fortunate to meet Kevin Schnall, Coastal Carolina Head Recruiter.

Kevin is passionate about Catching and I can tell you his workout is more than your typical "block this, block that, frame this, frame that. He provides every catcher the opportunity to Understand the Art of Catching, and what they should be doing every day to become the best.

His passion is contagious and I have him back year after year. SIGN UP TODAY!

Select One of the Sessions which best fits your schedule. For this reason we have Sessions on Friday and Saturday.

When: Friday 14 Dec and Sat 15 Dec
Session Times are on Website

Where: Riverdale Baptist HS Gym

Cost: $75/Session

Register at

Click on Programs, Select Events, Catcher Agilities

Thank you for the Opportunity to work with your sons.

Al McCormick
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Now that the Pitcher Catcher Event is complete, Most Valuable Player is accepting reservations for specific sessions to work your tail end off and learn the Little Things which create the Greatest Improvement in your game as a Catcher.

Go to, select PROGRAMS, EVENTS, then Click on the event with Kevin Schnall.

As always, appreciate the opportunity to work with your sons.

Al McCormick
Every good team always seem to have a very good Catcher. At the same time, I know I am preaching to the choir when I say, “a team without a good catcher provides the opposing team an opportunity to steal a game they should not win.”

As a coach and a parent of a catcher I can honestly say Kevin Schnall’s Catcher Agility Drills are the one program which will make your catcher a better catcher. This whole event is FOR CATCHERS, ABOUT CATCHING!

Kevin helps them understand what they should be doing physically, mentally, and and technically to become the best catcher they can be. It is the little things which make the biggest difference, and as a parent of a catcher, I can tell you Kevin makes a difference.

Kevin provides them with an approach to their Off-Season, direction on how to handle a game, technique to helm eliminate the other teams running game. The bottom line, get your catcher working on his game now and he will be ready for the spring.

I do not know where you can gain so much for only $75.00 Have them go to Click on Programs and select Events. Select Kevin Schnall, and the rest is pretty self explanatory.

Thank you so much for this opportunity,

Al McCormick
(410) 721-4203
Last edited by Al McCormick

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