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I have a catcher who, when he drops to block, tends to keep his free hand out by his side, far away from the glove. I've never really seen this before, but does anyone see a big problem with it? I assume either someone has taught that to him, or he does it because he's trying to keep his hand from being hit. Thanks in advance for the input.

"Swing hard in case you hit something" Gary Ward

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I've not seen it a lot but the main place is on TV at the MLB level but still there are a lot not doing it. I think two big drawbacks to it are that it will sometimes lead to the 5 hole being left open (between the legs where the mitt is supposed to go) and you might not get the proper bend to smother the ball. It could lead to the ball shooting off the chest.
Originally posted by coach2709:
I've seen it at a clinic last year or two years ago or something like that. I believe they called it the rodeo method or whatever. The thinking is your keeping your throwing arm out of harms way probably from being hit with the pitch on the block.

I don't think it really matters one way or the other.

I have seen it taught by Brent Mayne. He does call it the rodeo method. I teach both ways. Whatever way the player is comfortable with as long as hand stays out of the way and player remains balanced throughout blocking process.
I think the Rodeo method is a viable option for a catcher who struggles to get the hand behind the glove.

You will see certain MLB catchers do it. I think Jose Molina is one who I've seen do it.

I think hand behind the glove is best, but some kids cant do it. Rodeo method or even keeping the hand benind the right knee are better than being caught somewhere in the middle and having the meat hand get hit by the ball.
It is a valid alternative. My 13 year old son started with new catching coach 6 months ago and he teaches this method.

Was a big change for my son as had been previously taught to put bare hand behind glove in 5 hole.

Coach teaches pulling glove deep into 5 hole (left hand), while you push bare right hand to ground 6-8 inches in front of right knee. Two reasons....One to get the chest low and in table position so ball is trapped and does not bounce away and secondly to get the bare right hand/wrist out of dangers way. It actually works well if executed.

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