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What a coach says a scout told him about a player has little if any impact on where a player is drafted. However, I find it strange that a player would be drafted without ANY communications with a representative of MLB. Besides, don't believe everything a coach says about scouts and pro baseball. Sometimes coaches will "hype" a player with "pro ball" talk to motivate that player or to make himself look as if he and the scouts are "tight". If this is your son we're talking about you need to call the scout(s) and find out what is actually being said.
There are many others that have more experience in this than I --- so maybe they will fill in the blanks. noidea But here is the way I've been told. Yes I do know that sometimes players are drafted without formal talks --- but I don't think it happens much except in the very late rounds. When my son was drafted out of college he was surprised the Blue Jays drafted him. While they had talked to him a number of times over the years, they didn't actually come out and say -- "We are very interested in drafting you." So did they talk to him? Yes they talked to him but not a “formal” pre-draft interview. One has to assume they had gathered sufficient information along the way to draft him.
Two things to consider on a draft and follow: #1. A DNF is not a wasted round for the drafting club no matter what happens after they draft the player and #2, the scout that is doing the actual scouting is not the person that makes the decision to draft. He submits names of players and their information and depending on where the player ranks with the higher ups, determines how much "effort" they want to put into the draft process. They may decide that all they need is the player’s name.
I agree with you 100%.

Was trying to make a point, you do not necessarily have to talk to a team to get drafted by them and yes, higer picks most likely will have contact some time or another.

A few nights before the draft son got a phone call from a team he never directly spoke with at all, ever. They just wanted to confirm things they had heard about his position on the draft and just to wish him luck. Never knew at all they had any interest in him.
Most likely a player never speaking with a team does occur in the later rounds, so without being too negative about the situation, was trying to give some encouragement. Smile

The remark that it looks promising is not realistic actually, because one never knows until that day what will happen.
Knew a Kid that was a great football player in H.S played some Baseball also . 6'3 210 good free safety. Didn't talk to a Scout all year. Low and Behold he gets drafted by Toronto in like the 36th round, he had no clue he was even a prospect. You never know I guess. He's now in the Minors.

Just curious how much baseball he played? If he played on the baseball team, he may have been seen when they (scouts) were scouting someone else on the team or the opposing team. Smile

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