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I'm a junior at a d1 program 511 185 , yesterday was scout day and I was 85-88 (LHP) i threw well and they liked my change up and i threw some good hard curves for strikes,fast ball had good late movement into a righty. I was wondering what I would have to do to get on the draft board, gaining about 2 mph this off season would obviously help but for a guy like me are they looking for command or what
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Baseball looks for guys who get it done. As a lefty, you have an advantage, for baseball always has a need for competent southpaws. Teams are looking for pitchers who get people out. Velocity and command and important components in being effective. Your best bet is to work to be the best pitcher you can be. The rest will have to take care of itself. Hope you make the bigs someday!
Bum, Jr. is smaller than you (also a LHP) and was drafted this year out of high school. His size surprised probably half the scouts that came out to see him, but not all. He was sitting 86-88 topping 89 with a plus curve, and his good control and good mechanics helped him.

So you're right there. A solid offseason training program might be all it takes(plyometrics, bands, core, cardio, long-toss, etc.)

Good luck!
Last edited by Bum

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