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I heard talk recently about changing the season from spring to fall. I think I heard they did it in the St. Louis area. With the weather being great lately in the fall, and miserable in the spring, it makes sense. The players would be in form when the high school season started. The way it is now, there is hardly time to practice outdoors before the season starts.

The downside is some baseball players would have to give up football. That may not be so bad because football injuries ruin a lot of good ball players.

What do you guys think about Illinois doing that?
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The St. Louis Area doesn't play in the fall. There are teams that play "fall ball" simply because they don't have football. Otherwise, all teams here play in the Spring like everyone else.

I like the Spring! Yes, it is cold and sometimes rainy. I admire our Northern brothers who put a tremendous product out on those fields given trying circumstances. I do love those days when you finally go from a "high" of 40 to a "low" of 40. Then those days finally arrive where the kids say, coach can we take our sleeves off. I live for those days.
In the spring, at least the weather is getting better as the season goes on, with the important games played in good weather. In the fall, the weather gets worse and the importnant games could end up being played in terrible weather soem years...either that or it would be a very short season. Remember this year we have been blessed with extremely good weather late into the year......not always in the 70's and 80's in early October...more often 50's or worse with days growing shorter.
bballdad. No chance of the baseball season being moved to the spring. many schools do not have tha facility space to have football and baseball being played at the same time. Many schools (including mine) use the outfield for practice space for football. It would also mean that a kid would complete his senior season before the early signing period for college baseball. I doubt the NCAA is going to change the date because one state decided to come up with the idea of making HS baseball a fall sport. There has been talk and motions about starting the season a month later and having the finals in late June, but I know it met some stiff resistence. It is hard enough to keep seniors on task as the end of thier senior year rolls around. Can you imagine how hard it would be if the school year ended and you still had a month to play? I would have to have bed check every night.
I grew up playing HS in California then went to play in Arizona for college.
We would take BP and fungos on New Years day in 65 degree weather. I have lived here for 20+ years and I still can not get used to this.
Oh well, we have to deal with it. I am like the rest of you sicko's - Can't wait for the season to start.
If you could guarantee that every spring were to be like last year, then there would never be a reason to change. If it were like the year before then I would change in a minute. Iowa actually has it as a summer sport. I really don't like that idea for there is no reason for seniors who are not going on to play. I am not wild about the spring, but we weem to get through it every year. The kids don't seem to mind as much as the parents.
Even with the weather declining, I'd still rather have fall. Imagine how much better the level of baseball would be if the HS season was played after all the summer ball instead of before it.

However, nothing will, nor should it, replace football in the fall--and there are too many athletes that would be lost from one or the other. And, as much as I love baseball, my guess is that it would take the bigger hit as far as losing players.

So "layer up" and resign yourself to the Spring.

That's a good point about the players being tested and ready. The flip side is that they may be close to burning out depending on the number of games,intensity, and duration of the previous summer season. If the season was in the fall instead of the spring then I'm sure everyone would have a much different approach to the season.

I would miss all of that optimistic anticipation that rolls around every March. I'm not sure that would occur if the season followed the summer.
Good point gotwood, although I still think the quality of baseball on the whole would be much better IF everyone played. But there would be SO many losses of players to football, that the quality would suffer overall.

And, I do love the anticipation of HS ball in March. The good thing is we will never have to worry about it. Football and basketball rule the HS sports calendar--and they ain't movin the football season anytime soon. HS baseball in Illinois will always be a spring sport.
Good point Gotwood. Our varsity baseball coach is also the varsity football offensive coordinator. And, this is the similar case at many HS's. How many of those baseball coaches that also coach football are going to support a switch to Fall. The answer--NONE, as it would mean they would lose a stipend for themselves as well as athletes. Just one more reason baseball will ALWAYS be a Spring sport.

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