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I am having a very hard time with this because it revives every memory of August 21, 2003 when our son called in tears to tell us of the loss of his beloved friend and college teammate.
There is nothing more tragic than the loss of a child and my heart grieves for the parents and family. Attempting to console, support and stand by a mother, father, brother and sister in this time of loss is a challenge almost impossible to conceive, until you recognize their challenges and depth of need, which never go away. Having a sense of what they are feeling and the depth of the loss, combined with some recognition of the challenges ahead for all involved, including those kids/young men on the baseball team, cannot be described with words. In this moment, I can only hope that the spirit of the life of Grant will infuse the lives of those around him the way the spirit of the life of Chris Ashmos did to those of us who experienced his loss.
Last edited by infielddad
This is such a tragedy! My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. They will have a long, tough road ahead. Having friends who recently also lost a 24 yr. old son that we watched grow from a child to a young man, I empathize with what will be on their path ahead. As for the other young man, I would guess we'll hear about a troubled past and for all of those that didn't want to get involved, let them have some guilt on their conscience! I can't believe no one stepped in when he went back for more. Just unbelievable.

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