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I'll try to get there deldad, but first I had better warm up...take a few typing tests. Pound the keys. With only one finger working the keyboard I definitely have a handicap while visiting the chat room.

Here goes...
    "The quirk drown fox jimped over the crazy doogs."
    Dang...almost got it right! I'll try it again.

    "Thy quiet browned tex jarmooned clear over the lazy dogs and ambitious kats."

    "The testy brown fox yelled plenty over the backyard the lazy dogs...and the ambitious cats."
    Why not?

    "There are quick brown foxes, lazy dogs, and ambitious cats congregating in the back. Congregating...nothing else!"

    "The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon."
    Nailed it!

Now where is this chat room? Is it in the back? Near the fence? This might be it...I hear chatter!

Gracious! Who let all of these dogs in here? I'm tripping over all them. Can't they get up and move out of the way?

These cats, my gosh, won't they ever sit still? They look like they're going to keep going 'til the whole fence is painted. Overgrown Color Kittens!

And what's with the fox? Screaming at the top of his lungs. Why does he want the dish and the spoon to come back?

Makes no sense to me..

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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