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Chesp shot

Was discussing the yuba jv brawl with my son and he sent me this cannot see what started the ruckus....but kep an eye on second base.....I did notice the way the coaches tried to keep their players back and how quickly order was restored....however I am not sure how many players coaches actually saw what happen...
Looks like one of the coaches did see what happen and did the right thing in getting the umpires attention

Baseball's best teams lose about sixty-five times a season. It is not a game you can play with your teeth clenched.

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As a parent of a YC JV player, I can't tell you how I wish the umpire and coaches of our game could have handled the situation like this! To me, the best part is the parent who says, "let em run their mouth and let's go beat em"! That's what I had wished happened in our game Mad (not the cheap shot obviously, but the way the adults got control. Our issue was the adults were part of the problem)
Last edited by BBfam

Horrible, disgusting act. Where do you suppose that LF learned to level a cheap shot like that? The shameful cheap shot he took could very well have ended the runner's baseball career. The LF's baseball career should be over now. That is the only way that such crude and despicable behavior can be controlled. Put the hurt on the idiot...forever.

He's a pitiful excuse for a ball player. Can you imagine your daughter dating or marrying such a creep? I think birdman has it exactly right...lots of emails should be sent to the President. From the link birdman posted:
    You can tell Yavapai school administrator’s how you feel about O’Such’s punishment by emailing President Penelope Wills at
Much shame will come to her school if that bully isn't dealt with in the most harsh terms. He needs to go and never come back.

One of my most important responsibilities as a parent is to make absolutely certain that none of my children would ever behave the way that LF did. Don't get me wrong...I'm not perfect and we have had our share of failures, but the evidence here is too great to shrug off and chalk up to competitive aggressiveness. Ask yourself...what could the LF have been thinking as he was charging towards the runner? Certainly he wasn't thinking about the very recognizable and attention grabbing permanent stain he was about to lay out on himself, his family, and his team. That young man's folks have a lot more work to do to clean up that mess of a young man. And they best not stop until they get it right.

And dad43...please thank your son for providing this eye opening clip. And thank goodness for video cams. This creep would have likely gotten away with a vicious attack without the presence of this very incriminating video evidence.

UPDATE: I've sent a stern, but civil email to President Wills. I also urge others to do the same.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Write those emails folks!

The C-O-W-A-R-D may have gotten off way too easily.

    "The trouble for YC at the moment is that its starting Nos. 2, 3 and 4 hitters have not been in the lineup consistently over the past two weeks. Toth, in the No. 2 hole, is lost for the rest of the season after undergoing wrist surgery Wednesday. And it's uncertain when Jon Rodriguez (No. 3, ankle injury) and Austin O'Such (No. 4, serving a suspension after an on-field incident last week) will return."

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by BBfam:
Bulldog, I was referring back to our game. I should have worded it better. I wish the adults at our game, coaches and umpire, had controlled the altercation better. But again, the coaches and ump at our game were part of the problem and not part of the solution.

you have got to be kidding me!......ONE umpire, who has by rule, no authority outside the field of play vs what 40-50 kids and 4 adult coaches and you want the umpire to call the game AND play cop at that disgrace?.......unbelievable....

fan behavior is the responsibilty of the home coach/site co-ordinator or AD....the umpire conducts the game and in such an event....takes down players numbers to make sure the post fight rule mandated ejections are accurate.....

for liability reasons, umpires should never touch players or coaches involved in a fight.....youd be better served to put the blame on those who started that mess....rather than try to place blame in the umpire.....
Last edited by piaa_ump

That's too bad that the video is gone. Those of us who saw it know what we saw...the most cheap of cheap shots. If you were able to watch the video or know of the incident please take a moment to email President Wills...the reputation of her college is at stake. A bad element within the great game of baseball needs to be dumped...or as they say in parts of Texas, tumped.

She should be very concerned and highly motivated to deal severely with the coward on her baseball team who wears a Roughrider uniform and sprints from left field, not knowing that he is being video taped, and absolutely flattens an innocent, unsuspecting, and undeserving competitor.

How does that old saying go? "Your character is what you do when no one is watching". Well someone was watching and that young man's character is worth squat. He has a whole lot of soul searching to do and good deeds to accomplish before he even starts to get back in the good graces of the rest of us.

Do the right thing President Wills. For the sake of the the right thing!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by BBfam:
Bulldog, I was referring back to our game. I should have worded it better. I wish the adults at our game, coaches and umpire, had controlled the altercation better. But again, the coaches and ump at our game were part of the problem and not part of the solution.

As long as you insist on hiring one umpire, you will continue to complain about his ability to manage games. With a two man crew there would have been an umpire at first who could have addressed comment to and by the first base coach immediately. You are expecting too much if you are relying on one man 90 feet away to handle this. Once the dugout start emptying or physical actions take place, with a one man crew, his job is to step back and take number, not to physically get involved.
Last edited by Jimmy03

Thanks for your observation and comment TPM. You've probably seen a lot more baseball than I have and I would absolutely agree with you on just how disturbing this was. And because you have never seen anything like this on a baseball field I can be grateful that, thankfully, this type of behavior is really quite rare.

What that young man did to another young man is the lowest of the low...the cheapest cheap shot imaginable. There is no denying that.

Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Thanks for your observation and comment TPM. You've probably seen a lot more baseball than I have and I would absolutely agree with you on just how disturbing this was. And because you have never seen anything like this on a baseball field I can be grateful that, thankfully, this type of behavior is really quite rare.

What that young man did to another young man is the lowest of the low...the cheapest cheap shot imaginable. There is no denying that.


Do you suppose they might now pay bounties for hurting players?

I mean, these days anything IS possible. Frown

You are outraged and I don't blame you.

Where do players come up with this stuff (to deliberately hurt others)?
piaa_ump and Jimmy03,
I think at least part of BBfam's point is being missed here. Of course a single umpire will not be able to cover the entire field, and some baseball calls are likely to be missed. Nor can a single umpire stop a brawl. On the other hand, the general tenor and atmosphere of the game is something a single umpire can and IMO should be aware of. Umpires, if competent, will address a situation between the game participants before it escalates to "fighting words". The decision to try to defuse/control the situation can be taken by a single umpire nearly as easily as by a larger crew.

Here's a hypothetical: Assume for the moment that you were the umpire at the Yuba City -- Del Campo game, and the events unfolded as they did. Wouldn't you now be thinking about how to differently handle the situation? Wouldn't you be at least a little bit embarrassed?
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
piaa_ump and Jimmy03,
I think at least part of BBfam's point is being missed here. Of course a single umpire will not be able to cover the entire field, and some baseball calls are likely to be missed. Nor can a single umpire stop a brawl. On the other hand, the general tenor and atmosphere of the game is something a single umpire can and IMO should be aware of. Umpires, if competent, will address a situation between the game participants before it escalates to "fighting words". The decision to try to defuse/control the situation can be taken by a single umpire nearly as easily as by a larger crew.

Here's a hypothetical: Assume for the moment that you were the umpire at the Yuba City -- Del Campo game, and the events unfolded as they did. Wouldn't you now be thinking about how to differently handle the situation? Wouldn't you be at least a little bit embarrassed?

Well put.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
piaa_ump and Jimmy03,
I think at least part of BBfam's point is being missed here. Of course a single umpire will not be able to cover the entire field, and some baseball calls are likely to be missed. Nor can a single umpire stop a brawl. On the other hand, the general tenor and atmosphere of the game is something a single umpire can and IMO should be aware of. Umpires, if competent, will address a situation between the game participants before it escalates to "fighting words". The decision to try to defuse/control the situation can be taken by a single umpire nearly as easily as by a larger crew.

Here's a hypothetical: Assume for the moment that you were the umpire at the Yuba City -- Del Campo game, and the events unfolded as they did. Wouldn't you now be thinking about how to differently handle the situation? Wouldn't you be at least a little bit embarrassed?

Do you have first hand knowledge that the umpire knew what was brewing before the pitcher threw at the coach? Or before the coach made whatever statement he made...apparently just seconds before the pitcher threw at him? I've spoken with three people who were there and even though they gave three different accounts of the events, none of them claimed the umpire had time to head it off.

If the umpire, acting in a one man crew, attempted to break this up once it started he would not have been properly performing his job.

From Big League Stew® website:
    UPDATE: Yavapai College posted this update to their Facebook page on Saturday night:

    "Yavapai College and the Athletic Department aspire to the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play. In no way do we condone the behavior as recorded in the video, which occurred on March 29, 2012 at the Yavapai versus Scottsdale Community College baseball game. The YC player involved was immediately suspended by the college and will be suspended from play for the rest of the season. The college has implemented this action and will continue to work with the Arizona Community College Athletic Conference (ACCAC) on current and future sanctions following conference procedures. Per conference rules team members from both teams involved in the on field incident have already served their suspensions.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
No, I don't have first hand knowledge, and I only have one source instead of three. But that source says the situation had deteriorated well before the pitcher blew up.

I quite agree that once physical action started the umpire should not try to break it up. My point is he could and should have been actively directing players and coaches to stop the verbal back and forth before the precipitating event.
Last edited by 3FingeredGlove
Originally posted by dad43:
Chesp shot

Was discussing the yuba jv brawl with my son and he sent me this cannot see what started the ruckus....but kep an eye on second base.....I did notice the way the coaches tried to keep their players back and how quickly order was restored....however I am not sure how many players coaches actually saw what happen...
Looks like one of the coaches did see what happen and did the right thing in getting the umpires attention

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