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I was wondering if anybody knew of any good sites where you can find either really cheap wood bats, or factory blems/defects. We wrapped up fall ball a couple weeks back, and now it is about time for us to start getting at it again, and I'd like a cheap wood bat for taking BP. Preferably I would like a heavier bat (-2 or -1) just for taking BP and for drills. I already have baum bat but I'm not a huge fan of using that unless it's live pitching because I feel like it is just like a metal bat, and that I could be gaining more from using a real wood bat that is heavier. Thanks for the help.
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. ~Rogers Hornsby
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They're a tad short, but this bat, like the one Brandon is holding, can be purchased for a low, low price.

Why are they so reasonable? The manufacturer left them in the dry kiln too long and they shrunk.


You can pick up a bunch of these for a song... long as it's the right song. I think anything by Cher will do.


These baseball bats are made of 100% all natural pork hides that will last for a very long time while at the same time offering your player the delicious taste that go along with it. When your player chews into a tantalizing pork hide he will be able to reduce the amount of plaque on his teeth as well as tarter build-up. It's hard to argue against those benefits! On top of this, your player will also be able to distract the pitcher...

...when facing a batter with a pork hide bat I haven't seen a pitcher yet that hasn't rolled off the mound laughing so hard with tears in his eyes!


I also got a good deal on these baseballs...

...they just forgot to stuff them. Very reasonably priced!


Last edited by gotwood4sale

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