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I know none of it is good..but a couple of my friends use the pouches. Do you think those are a little better for you?

I put a pouch in once and they are pretty good sized..and it dropped me. I got a crazy buzz and felt very dizzy and almost threw up. Lesson Learned!It about makes me throw up when someone spits into an empty pop bottle...Nasty!
Yea it's a nasty habbit, and no pouches aren't as bad as far as size goes but the tabacco is still hurting your gums. After a while pouches won't do anything to you and then you're going to start going through long cut cans like they're free. It's good that pouches still buzz you, that means you don't do it that much. Now stop doing it all together. It's no good. It sucks being the kid at the party who's spitting into gatorade bottles. Trust me, I'm that kid. Everyone feels the need to tell you how disgusting it is. Don't be that kid. Quit. PM if you have any questions.
Last edited by SpartanBaseball_09
I personally don't chew but there are several members of my team that do (we don't have HS rules we're a legion team because Wyoming doesn't have HS baseball) but they're all 18 or 19 so it's legal even though I personally believe it to be a nasty habit. The smell on people's breath when and after they chew is just nasty as well as the spit that comes out, luckily most of our chewers have the courtesy to spit in a cup instead of just letting it go wherever, even though I had some tobacco juice spilled on me the other day.
Don't ever start and find people to associate with that don't chew. For those of you trying to quit hang out with players that don't chew because the temptation is too great when around friends that do chew.

Nothing good comes from it. Bad health over time, possible cancer, expensive, yellow teeth, chicks don't dig it, relatives worry about the habit and health implications. If you do get cancer you are in for a deforming operation.

It really takes a lot of will power to quit and if you are persistent then you might be successful in quitting. The cravings eventually go away and you always have to tell yourself no even a year or more after you quit. You do have a personal right and dignity to be free from the habit.

The first 3 weeks of quitting are the toughest and if you can tell yourself no after the cravings are gone then you are home free. If you have an occasional beer in college after you quit remember that you are very vulnerable to starting back so say no.

If you find you can't quit cold turkey then significantly reduce your usage and use it for very short periods of time until you can completely quit. Don't get discouraged if you fail to quit. Keep trying hard because you can quit.

Don't rationalize that it helps performance, etc. It doesn't. The initial fatigue from quitting goes away and use the fatigue to catch up on some rest and healthy habits.

Not to be preaching but I started at 11 or 12 and did it for a long time. There was a lot of failure along the way in quitting but it can be done.
i dip its a bad bad nasty habit that will reign you in and put a deathgrip on you physically and mentally. The mental part is the worst. I use to dip on jv in high fatty dips and no one ever said anything not the umps not my coaches not other coaches...maybe they just thought a young kid wouldn't be doing that i dunno but thats about the coolest story i have from that if you want to call it cool.
any dip has little pieces of plexiglass in them that actually gut your gums so the nicotine can get into your bloodstream easier. there is no use for dip and it looks groass when yo do it and after years of doing it so why even risk and detrement your health in life and baseball? this is a baseball discussion but it affects your whole life more.
Like NIC15, I've been chewing for much longer than I should have been...I've quit a few times and eventually for some reason have gone back to it. DON'T START!

If you really feel like you want to because others are, that is the WRONG reason...

Outside of never starting, my best recommendation would be for you to chew gum...

They do make dip that does not contain tobacco or nicotine, but that doesn't mean it is good for you smart and don't start...

A Dad who's son constantly reminds him he needs to quit...
I will start off by saying I dip as well. And in no way condone it. But a lot of the information being given here is totally incorrect.
First, there is NO PLEXIGLASS in an dip or chew. That is a myth. Good companies are 100% tobacco, with lesser quality companies lacing dip with foreign tobacco or other plant material.
Second, studies have actually showed that (smokeless) tobacco is a performance enhancer, not something that "slows" you down. The nicotine actually makes the muscles fire fractionally faster and more explosive. I spent a whole year researching tobacco and baseball in my final year of school, and just wanted to let people know some truths.
Anyway, glad to hear use in the majors is declining, hopefully it filters down.
Originally posted by SpartanBaseball_09:
I wouldn't say it's like drugs but it's definitely bad for your health. It is very easy to get gum cancer from chewing tobacco. It's something you get used to after a while and you don't even get a buzz which makes me wonder why I still even do it, but that's easy...I'm addicted. So please don't do it even if your friends tell you it's cool.

Well technically speaking even soda is a drug. i Don't dip because that whta a lot of baseball players do alot of them don't make it to the next level. It starts and ends with discpline.
Just as a point of information, it is illegal in high school baseball, NCAA baseball and in the minor leagues. The MLB players union is too strong and therefore it is not banned at that level. In the minor leagues, tobacco is not allowed on the team bus, club house, or any team property. The league offices send compliance officers around the league that actually inspect the clubhouse for tobacco products. It results in a fine and mandatory tobacco counseling.
Sorry, this post caught my eye but I'm long removed from being a player.

Don't dip, its pretty simple. I've dipped for 23 years and I've probably tried to quit 3 times per year for the past 20. I emulated Lenny Dykstra as many did back then and he was a tobacco chewing, tobacco spitting maching. Thought it was cool and now as the father of two baseball playing boys its something I hope they never take up. There is no upside to using the stuff, only a downside so play it safe. DON'T TRY IT!!
If anyone is interested I'll describe the procedure for removal of squamous cell carcinoma from someone who has oral cancer. Lets just say after I describe it you won't want to put a dip in your mouth.

Imagine never being able to taste food again. Scratch that, imagine having all of your food given to you via a tube placed in your stomach because they had to remove half of the muscles in your face, your tongue, half of your esophagus and a good part of your larynx because the cancer had invaded those areas of your mouth and throat. You get to breath out of a tracheostomy, your scarred up like you walked into a weedeater and you will never speak again.

This is worst case scenerio but I have taken care of patients with radical neck surgeries like this. Not one of it found the experience pleasant. Almost all of them dipped or were heavy cigar smokers.

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