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I doubt the color of the equipment would have been an issue under the circumstances. But even as it turned out the coach could have said, "It was a great gesture. We thank them. But we managed to replace our equipment. We're going to donate the equipment they gave us to needy kids." Then you have two caring programs instead of one and a jerk coach.

Originally Posted by CoachB25:

Wow.  When you are a head coach and are asked about things like this, you have to know that what you say will end up out there in the media... 

Especially when you say it into a microphone during an on air interview...


And yes, the guy comes off as tremendously ungracious. Just express your appreciation of the gesture, it's on page 3 of the "right things to say" manual.

ESPN: No class


The interviewer wouldn't get off the bus story. The coach wanted to talk about his team and players. The coach had a "get off it, will ya" expression every time the interviewer pressed on. Then ESPN edits the interview to make the coach look like a jerk. ESPN owes the coach, the team and the university an apology what what they pulled.

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