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Our 2007 Son was asked by a College to send in his Sat scores and register for the clearing house. It is clear from everything else that they said in the letter that they only want to get into discussions with him if he is eligible for their school. The question is this do we rush these things. For instance it is another $26 each to have these scores rushed to the school and to the Clearinghouse. He has registered but they do not have his SAT scores.

Also it mentions doing the FAFSA but I thought that can oly be done after Jan. of your Senior year. So how do we do that?

Thanks in advance for your insight on ow to proceed.
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We registered our son in his junior year. As a 2007, you should have taken care of that, always helpful to be prepared.

Most coaches will not get into serious discussion until they have seen transcripts,SAT scores and know what division your son is eligible for.

That $26 dollars you are concerned about may translate into scholarship dollars this fall or spring.

I would rush eveything as their interest will go to the next player.

There was another post regarding the FAFSA, does anyone remember which topic? I suggest if they are asking you to fill one out, you should.
Thank you for your response. We did register with the Clearinghouse but they are still missing the SAT scores. I wasn't very clear on that I quess. We do have copies of his unofficial transcripts so hopefully that will help.

What you said about the $26 makes sense. I had been wondering the same to myself. Wondering if we don't do it fast that their interest will go to the other player or players they are looking at. It is nice to get another view from a Mom that has been there.

As far as the FAFSA we just didn't know that you could do it early. Our Son will contact the school tomorrow to get more info on that. Meanwhile we better get busy faxing and emailing the info we do have. This is a School he is very interested in so we don't want to mess up here at all.
If you didn't send the SAT scores to the Clearinghouse when you took the test, you'll need to go to The College Board site and request a copy sent (believe their code is 9999). You will pay a feee to The College Board for this, but it's not that much.

The $26 to the Clearinghouse is a one-time shot. Hopefully, your HS guidance counselor sent your transscript to-date to the Clearinghouse with your application. If not, get them to do it right away.

Then you'll be all set. Sometime in the fall, you'll receive a notification from the NCAA of a preliminary decision. As soon as all the final grades are in, the final transcript must be sent (by the school) to the Clearinghouse.

But you're really not in bad shape. But take care of the SAT score to the Clearinghouse (and send a copy to the school, too), especially if the score is good.
I registered my son with the Clearinghouse late in his Sophomore year - just to get rolling. He took the SAT in Dec 2005 and June 2006. The Clearinghouse was designated as a recipient of the scores each time. To date - no scores have been posted. It is very difficult to reach a live person to talk to. When I did, I was informed that they are posting all graduates first and not to expect to see anything on his profile until the fall. I explained that he took the test in December ( 7 months ago) and asked if it should be posted by now. "Look for it in the fall". Sounds like the Clearinghouse should be working weekends to catch up.
We had requested the rush reports today. The only problem is the College in question is updating their system so things may not get seen until mid August. Plus he cannot apply until then either. But at least the ball is rolling and he updated the Coach on what we have done so far. It does not looks as if his Highschool puts the SAT scores on the transcript. But if needed we could always fax them a copy of his SAT scores until they get the official report. But since Admissions cannot do anything at this time it seems like a mute point.

As far as the FAFSA we are still being told different things. I think we will try to apply for an estimate and see what happens there.
Just an FYI for anyone. When signing up for SAT's you can request scores to schools, I htink you get x amount for free and then pay for each after.
We did that andit covered most of the schools that had been recruiting him his junior year and saved time.
I think the fee was for the rush SAT scores.

If Clearinghouse only puts in data that they have received your transcripts, just tell college coaches you are registered, they can call to verify any information. I think they have a "hotline" we don't know about.
Remember that the Clearinghouse processes HS seniors first since they are reporting to college and need to be verified. Getting registered early (someone above said SO year of HS) won't put you at the top of any list.

When my son was recruited, he just told the coaches his scores. The schools who were seriously interested needed scores and grades, so many requested an unofficial copy of his HS transcripts. All of the test scores (ACT, SAT, PSAT, I***) are on that transcript. We got a copy from the HS counselor in the Fall and made lots of copies to send out as they were requested. Unofficial was good enough for ALL the coaches we dealt with. Official didn't happen till the Clearinghouse finished up this month, a mere 6 weeks before college begins.
There is no way a 2007 will be certified by the clearinghouse now. It wont be until after his senior year grades are received.

Are you sure you understand what the school is asking. The schools already know what GPA/SAT combination is acceptable to the clearinghouse. Now whether that is acceptable to the college is independent of the clearinghouse.

The clearinghouse sets the minimum scores for NCAA eligibility. But being clearinghouse eligible doesnt get you into every school.

Just send a copy of your transcripts and your scores to the coach.
You are not officially certified from clearinghouse until they receive the final transcript (marked graduated). I think mine was approved, due to backlog, about 15 days before he entered. I always suggest your own follow up, even if it means a phone call to the baseball office.
They only can let someone know, according to their criteria, if applicant is eligible for Div1,2 or 3. Many applicants do not realize there is criteria, best to see your school guidance counselor on the criteria for each division (it's calculated by points if I remember).
Official transcripts usaully are not asked until after graduation, copies of unofficial are ok.

You may have had your questioned answered already but I thought I'd let you know from someone who had a 2006 Grad.

Definitely register at this point. There is no need to "rush" the SAT scores. Also if he is taking the SAT's again you can have them forwarded automatically to the clearinghouse when you register for the SAT's (just like you would for a college)

Once you register. you need to have the high school send a current transcript to get the ball rolling. There is an authorization form that is available once you log-in on your Son's account.

Pick up a copy of his unofficial transcripts from the school for your records. What every school wanted prior to making an offer (for us) was to see a copy of his unofficial transcript as well as a copy of his SAT scores. They used this for two purposes, (1) to make sure he was on target to graduate and was on target with his required courses per NCAA and (2) in some cases they walked it over to Admissions and or Financial Aid (for academic money) for review.
Alot of good info here.


I have an '06 graduated May 26th., final transcript with graduation confirmation etc., was sent to the Clearinghouse immediately. They have acknowledged receipt but have yet to finalize his eligibility. Fortunately we know there is no problem and he leaves in a little over two weeks to begin his college baseball career.

The Clearinghouse handles a tremendous amount of info and as long as your son is registered and all preliminary information is provided to them colleges will be able to access this info and go from there.

Thank you for all of your help. Son emailed Coach what steps we have taken thus far and the Coach said that we are right on top of things. So I can relax a little bit now. Thanks for all of the great tips here.

I am still confused about the FAFSA getting conflicting advice on that one. I did order a PIN # for Son and we will at least try to do a EFC and see if that will be sufficient at this time.
Thanks again for your help.

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